Saturday, the day I do my washing, fill my drugs wallet, have a sit down breakfast and put on real clothes. All this so that my partner and I can go shopping for food as her mother is being released from the care home on Monday. Of course we buy plants to replace the ones that have died through inattention over the last few weeks.

Back home there is some tidying to be done and clothes to rescue from the tumble dryer. The post arrives which contains presents from my sister and a card that sings to me.

The sound of spring in a card, kewel eh.

Who could not love a bird song card. I watch the second half of a terrible football match and then get changed into my training gear. Its Saturday so its a rowing day and I decide that as its been a difficult week I’m going to row for an hour. So that’s what I do and to good effect.

A new personal best for the hour, go me. I retreat to a bath bomb bath and luxuriate in the warm water. I try to read but I am tempted into revere and recall my past four years and how I am now. The contrast in my fortunes has been extreme from high peaks to watching my blood flow out of my neck into a machine and ultimately becoming dependant on drugs to keep my body from devouring me. What it has done is make my priorities very clear. A life style that enables me to be with the people I care about as long as possible is top.

Post bath its time for a pizza tea and a film about women spies in occupied France. Based on true accounts it was an interesting watch, long but interesting. At the end there was time to watch the last highlight of a football match and then to write the blog. Tomorrow is weigh in day, I am not hopeful given the week it has been but I hope to stay under 92 kilos. If I do then I will allow myself a treat.