Monday and I wake up feeling stiff and tired. A muesli breakfast and I begin to review evidence for a TC review. I down load the latest documents and begin to read them all and make notes on my reviewers workbook. I spend all morning doing this apart from a short break to fill the squirrel feeder that Squashy and Squishy had emptied. I also discovered that one of the wood pigeons was copying Squishy by sitting in the hanging basket and reaching over to the bird feeder and gorging. By lunchtime I need a walk and as a family we walk round the village to stretch our legs. Lunch is a ham omelet and coffee, as part of my protein and fruit diet. Then its back to the evidence reviewing, apart from the odd trip to the door to distribute the arriving packages. By tea time I’ve had enough of evidence reviewing and resort to TV. Tea arrives and I dine before sorting out our next Tesco order. I discover that the Tesco website since its crash has wiped out my favourites and regulars list so I have to plough through the process of ordering up individual items. I move onto the blog very aware that this is a really boring day for anyone reading it. I guess some work days are like that for everyone. Tomorrow will be a different day.