Friday and yet another early work meeting to do. a quick bacon bagel and coffee and I was on to my call. It went well enough. There are a lot of recurring themes that are coming out, mostly about the disconnect between the individual and the organisation. They say its been useful and we go our separate ways. I do some admin work and discover that some of my services are missing from a contract tracker. I ring a friend who had tried to call me during my meeting and caught up with how arranging a meal with old work colleagues was going. I also indulge in some pixie camouflage activity and get some business done.

Before I know it, its lunch time, so I take my partner to the garden centre Sainsburys and we buy the rest of the components for our guests meal on Saturday. I shall be cheating a bit this weekend as we are going to the rugby in the afternoon and need quick and easy courses to prepare and serve. Its all in the presentation. As we are going out in the evening we have a fish and chip lunch and then I clear the kitchen and change into my training kit.

The training session is an hour on the bike in the Shed and I really do not feel like it. Its one of those days when I have low motivation and climbing on to the bike is an effort, but I am encouraged by my multi coloured T shirt which I choose today. I was also aware that ivy has crept into the Shed, so at some point soon I will need to hack it back. Anyway the hour passes and I manage to complete the session.

I have a post bike shower and get ready to drive to Birmingham were we are going to see a new Motionhouse production at the Midlands Art Centre or mac as its known. The drive is arduous and at the end we miss “mac”due to my crap satnav and my driving. We navigate our way using my partners phone and arrive in time to find that the pay and display only takes coins. I pay by phone after a tortuous process and we finally get into mac and find our seats. We wear masks. Some people do, others do not, the children certainly do not. The first act of the show starts. I am immediately caught up in the dance. The visuals are stunning and the music is brilliant, it is just riveting. The imagery is bold, stark and powerful, rooted in everyday experience. Our inner voices portrayed by crows and our struggles with them. Fabulous stuff.

The crows of our inner voices

There is a break as the company rig for the second act so we indulge in chocolate and coke. I bump in to the companies executive director and we have a quick chat as I know her quite well and then its back to the second act. The second act starts but the projection and sound fail, it turns out that the computer has has crashed. Kevin the artistic director calls a halt to the show and explains what has happened and the team set about fixing it. In a short while the act starts again and in this section the seven dancers are just magnificent. There are no projections just a bare stage with its skeletal cube on it so the whole focus is on how the dancers are able to express the coming together of once isolated people to achieve together. The dancing is truly breathtaking in its co-ordination, expression and technical expertise. There is great applause at the end. we stay to hear the post performance discussion with the director adn dancers. Some very small children asked some really good questions. At the end we were able to have a quick chat with our friends Kevin adn Louise before we heeded off into the night to drive home. Everyone to bed and me to the blog.

Go and see it!