Saturday morning and its the usual coffee in bed and a chat to plan the weekend. While my partner prepare breakfast I do my fortnightly drugs wallet refills. It means I have all my drugs sorted for the next two weeks and I can take stock of when I next need to order more. We eat breakfast and then I check the foul drain outside to find to my surprise that it is clear so I set about clearing the down stairs toilet. A job well done. Having tidied up a bit we go to the the garden centre where our butcher is. So we load up with bacon and notice that the butcher is taking orders for Christmas turkeys. So we take the opportunity to order a turkey and add to our Christmas club savings to off set the cost in December. So we come away with the makings of pigs in blankets to store in the freezer and our Christmas turkey sorted. That was an unexpected bonus. I get messages from the Shri Lanka family who we have tried to help. The family who sent the video that I posted here a few days ago. They have bought the building materials they need and in the next two or three days they are going to replace the roof that has been leaking. I’m looking forward to the pictures that they will send and to posting them here.

Back home and I watch a rugby match while my partner sorts through her wardrobe to make space. I hear from a friend who is recovering from COVID and it seems that progress is being made, which is good news. The afternoon passes until I cannot put off training any longer. I go and row for half an hour and wear off a few calories. I also do a few weights curls as I’ve decided that I need to build my biceps back up. Rowing and the other stuff I do does not build my biceps and as a result they have reduced so I need to build them again.

A reasonable session.

We eat tea and then of course we settle as a family to watch Strictly. I start the blog and will gradually finish it as the evening progresses to the the football highlights via Jools Holland, or not.

Hug Sculpture Ceramic Figure Art Couple of Friends Statue image 2