Friday; in theory a free morning just some odds and ends to do. So a quick muesli breakfast and I am on the sofa constructing my invoice for February. What starts as a simple one off task turns into an email stream and suddenly I am oiling the wheels of work. So with a lot of toing and froing I get to a soup lunch. How does that happen? What seems to be a simple straight forward bit of admin turns into a labyrinth of communication as I try to keep everyone in the loop. I end up watching a webinar on IR35 so that I know where I stand with the RCP and their attempt to make me an employee rather than a consultant. Interesting stuff. Finally I get to run off to the shed.

In the warmth of my womb like shed I sit at my table space and write letters. I am frequently distracted by the garden, those odd flashes of colour or the flitting of a bird. I complete the letters and head off to the post box. Its cold and I note that I have come out of the house with out a mask, but then the streets are all but deserted, in fact the most notable thing is how busy the roads are with traffic, so much essential travel. Back from my pony express trip I change into my training gear and get back to the shed. Its training time.

As I pedal tentatively to start with I get a phone call from a friend and have the luxury of being able to chat whilst training. It is a rare treat and passes the session quickly. It is just what I needed a gentle session before the weekend. I finish the session and lock up the shed before heading for the house and dry clothes and ultimately a meal.

My evening is taken up with watching Leicester Tigers narrowly beat London Irish by a single point. Then its time to write the blog. It is troubling times, but this is the start of the weekend and who knows what that will bring. I do know that I have seeds to sow in the greenhouse and garden tending to do if summer is to be as colourful as I fantasise it to be.

I’ve seen a Roland fall off the end of the sofa without feeling sorry for himself.