Tuesday, 9 o’clock, bugger I’m in a training session in half and hour. I make it full of coffee and muesli. For four hours I listen to stuff about personality disorders and wait eagerly to get to the psychopaths. We never do. Its time to put tonight’s meal in the new croc-pot. I beaver away and soon there is a beef bourguignon in the pot timed to be ready about 7 o’clock tonight. Time for cheese on toast and to open the morning mail that looks exciting.

My first parcel turns out to be my new ice hockey jersey, our local team Coventry Blaze. I’m very pleased and of course I’m in it straight away.

I am really chuffed but there is more surprises to come. My sister has sent me a parcel full of surprises. As always she has found lovely cards. This time there are cards from Nonsense Botany and Nonsense Alphabet by Edward Lear.

Just loved these cards.

Along with the cards and some Royal Academy of Arts magazines there was also a cosy alpaca scarf to keep me warm when I go to watch the Leicester Tigers. It is indeed very warm and light, I like it a lot.

A new and cosy alpaca scarf.

There was one more surprise, my sister had included a cheque as a contribution towards the needs of the family we try to help. She had seen the video on the blog and spontaneously offered help. Without any ado I paid the cheque in via my app and then sent the money to Shri Lanka. The family there have already started to use what we sent to renew the broken door and order the “stone” required to renew the building. My sisters contribution will mean a lot to them. They have promised to send videos of the work they do as it gets done, something I am looking forward to.

I get myself organised to go to the gym putting the bins out as I go. I get to the gym and spend an hour on a cross trainer burning off 715 calories. A post training coffee and cookie as I wait for my partner who is going to arrive to do a pilates group. Time goes on and it becomes clear that we have missed each other so I drive home, put the potatoes on and start the blog. Tonight is a football night as England take on Hungry. My partner returns home and I dish up the meal as the teams come out to play. The meal was very good, even if I say so myself, far better than the mediocre display by England’s team. I continue to write the blog before downing my drugs and going to bed to read. Tomorrow is an Elders meeting and then I am hoping for a gym session and a swim. My gut is still sore from yesterdays injection so it will be one more dose of paracetamol.

Kept that quiet!