Friday and I crawl out of bed not feeling as chipper as I have done. I get breakfast and watch the TV morning show. In it there was a short piece on some woman who was having time away from her TV job to be with her family which included her father who has prostate cancer. During a conversation with him he revealed that a new drug that he is taking has reduced his PSA level to 2.5 from a staggering 1000. The medics told me mine was high as a justification for some of the procedures they used on me, mine was 147 maximum. How ignorant I was at the time, and there was me thinking I had read lots. How did I miss the possible range of PSA? Still better late than never I guess. I retreat to the Shed and spend my morning writing letters, it pours with rain. At some point I refill the squirrel feeder and bird feeders as the squirrels seem to be eating everything they can at the moment.

There is a bacon bagel for lunch and then I am back in the Shed writing some more and arranging some Amazon purchases. I go to the post box to speed the letters on their way. I visit the village chemist to buy Actifed to find they do not sell it so I buy my partners eye drops and return. At the end of the working day my partner and I set off for the gym. She will do her yoga class and I get myself onto a cross trainer and do sixty five minutes, burning off 712 calories and covering 8.22 kilometres. This is my best yet. I shower and wait for my partner to finish her class before we drive off to the local supermarket to get pizza for supper and Actifed. Home and we eat while watching a TV film, a rugged mad man abducting women film. Morgan Freeman of course and of course he wins in a super cool way. This time he shoots the psychopath in a gas filled room through a carton of milk to avoid an explosion. So cool but psychopaths always get such a poor press. And so to bed.

See the source image
Be kind and keep warm