Another Monday and I am up and doing breakfast at a reasonable time as the boiler is being serviced this morning. I’ve just about finished my morning round of email checks and work checks and Mr Boiler arrives. Of course he gets coffee and I sit and read as he performs the magic. It takes him about an hour and he then presents me with my Annual Service GAs Safety Record with the observation that my burner gasket fell apart when he opened the boiler up so he has fitted a new one. This is good news as a burst gasket on the burner could be nasty, but now it wont happen. I get some unexpected work emails and I spend time arranging meetings. It looks like business is looking up. I read a bit more of What is Life and like the author more and more.

What is Life, good question

I go to the garden centre and buy compost, manure and bird/squirrel feed to go with the bird/squirrel feeders I ordered earlier in the morning. I get it back to the house, stow it and dig a bag of manure into my intended Iris bed in the front garden. A friend zoom calls me, its the first time in ages that I’ve actual seen them and it is really good to be able to chat whilst seeing someone. It is a rare opportunity to talk about previous correspondence and to clarify some of what I’ve written as I tend to be quite oblique and metaphoric when I write with pen and ink. There are times when I think what I write is the equivalent of a Pixie stamping its foot, or in clear language let my mind run out onto the page. Anyway we chat for a while until Tesco knock on the door, as everyone else in the house is work tied I get to take it in and then get back to my call. In the end the real world intervenes and we said adieu. I changed into my training gear and headed for the garage. Today needs to be an hour session to get the week started right. That’s what I do and it is an effort.

A tough hour but necessary

At the end of the session I change and settle into my evening routine of watching TV, eating tea and then watching more TV till I write the blog. This evening my eldest returns with her friend from a weekend away. He stays long enough for a drink and a bite to eat before heading back home. I take time out to book tickets for the local pantomime on the day of my next oncology appointment. It seems appropriate and I might need a distraction. I return to the blog. I need to change my evenings, I need to feed myself with better brain food.
