Wednesday and I get up to empty bins and sunshine. A muesli breakfast, coffee and drugs follows quickly. I check my social media and emails, nothing there to lighten the self so I move on to planning the day. I will inevitably end up in the Shed. I didn’t. I ended up doing some work as some of my services actually want some stuff from me. Mid morning I slip out and fill the car, check the tyres and buy a paper. It also allows me to retrieve the emptied bins, which the garden guy will be pleased about. I return to find more work has arrived along with some post including a surprise present parcel from my sister.

Unexpected gifts from my sister. I’ve already dipped into the book.

I dip into the book and find myself drawn in quickly. A friend calls on her way to the golf course and we chat about how we are copping with things. In the conversation she uses the phrase “terminal illness” in relation to me. It is a stark reminder of my situation and how much I push this out of my mind. It is a useful reminder and will help me train later. At lunchtime the family go for a walk around the village and pick up a loaf. Once back I have a soup lunch and do a bit more work, mostly sorting out my diary and organising the coming weeks. Its time to train and I am struggling to get motivated but I eventually get into the garage for a half hour row, that goes reasonably well. My stomach is still sore from Mondays injection so the row was a bit more tiring than usual.

A reasonable but sore session.

I record my session and then go to change during which I take a call from a friend and chat about life in the real world with its work and family demands. I change and watch an early football match until tea and then watch a really good European football match. I cave in and indulge in chocolate digestives before finishing the blog for the day.