Tuesday and I am up in time to make a bacon bagel for breakfast before parking my arse in front of the laptop to observe three hours of training on … This is the tricky bit because I’m not sure, its not that I did not know what the material was I was just confused how it was supposed to work with a group of people who do not meet, communicate or practice relational practice with each other. Any way it passed the morning and lead to an entertaining catch up telephone call with a colleague. Time for lunch and to train. I go to my wardrobe to select my attire for tonight, as I am going out, to find that the wardrobe rail had collapsed and jettisoned my trouser collection to the floor. I was not amused but stoically gathered up my battery drill, head torch and spare rail supports ( of course I have). I set to and empty my wardrobe before installing new support brackets and then rehanging my trousers. Having put way my tools I finally get changed to train. The Shed was welcoming and I clambered aboard the bike and ground out an average hour.

I record my session and then indulge in a bath bombed bath. Although I like the purple water and the scent I am regularly disappointed that I do not emerge as sparkly as the bath water. Whats the point of sparkly water if you do not end up as sparkly. Hey ho. The water soothes me and I think of others who nurse scrapes and mishaps and count my blessings. I dress to go out but have time to catch a chunk of a football match. On the stroke of 7:30 I drive my partner and I to the next village where we take up our dinner reservation. We have a table up stairs next to four people out for the night who as it turns out are arseholes. One of them very clearly expressed the opinion that it was better when you could smoke on a plane as it drew in more fresh air. FFS this person has been voting for years. Of course people on benefits should be made to gather in the crops now that Brexit has robbed us of fruit pickers. I’m sure you can get my drift. Anyway when we eventually got a drink we ordered food, unfortunately they delivered salmon instead of sea bass, so there was a slight delay in the main courses as they prepared a fresh sea bass dish. In fairness the food was really good and the whole meal pleasant. My partner and I chatted sporadically between dumbstruck silences as the table next to us continued to enlighten their fellow diners with a good old fashioned common sense view of how the world should be. I did discover during the evening that Christmas was not a joyous time for my partner due to the double amount of effort she has to put in to make Christmas work for all the family so I suggested that she does one day and I and the rest of the family do the other day so she gets a proper days celebration. Determined to make that work. I drive us home where she retreats to bed and I write the blog. I have to say it was nice to dress up tonight, proper Oxford bags, matching shoes, crisp white shirt, bright pink jacket and my now long white hair left to flow.