Monday, I wake to find my partner busy doing yoga, my eldest preparing to go to work. I have time for a muesli breakfast and my meds before I run out of the door, and then run back in realising that I have forgotten my injection kit. I get to the GP surgery and get ushered into the clinical room immediately. This month is the right side of my gut and for good measure I get a B12 jab in the left arm. The actual jabbing goes okay but in the after chat I discover that my nice, considerate and thoughtful nurse is retiring and will not be there next time. This is a blow as my injections have been more bearable due to her careful administration. I just hope her replacement does not turn out to be a ham fisted javelin thrower. I drive home and immediately settle down to creating a training PowerPoint for some training delivery in a couple of weeks time. I beaver away all morning until my partner suggests a lunch time walk. We take a parcel for Shri Lanka to the post office and then wander around the village, bumping into my partners brother on the way. We chat for a while and then move on to lunch at home and a crossword to do. I prepare more training slides and send them off to the organiser and my fellow tutor. Its time to train so I change and head for the garage to row for half an hour.

I record my session and then change before settling down for the evening in which “Only connect” and “University Challenge” will demonstrate my ignorance, although I do get an occasional synaptic out burst which produces a right answer. I shall spend the rest of my evening writing the blog and preparing to observe a training session tomorrow.

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When you are dying get your flowers in first