Thursday and I was right, it was a poor nights sleep and I wake in the spare room bed as it has a harder mattress. So I take a deep breath and prepare to get through the day. I note that I’m saying “get through” and that seems to reflect how I am, I am clearly seeing the day as something to be survived, so things need to change to more of what brings me joy, however now there are meetings to go to.

The meeting goes okay, its good to be able to catch up with colleagues. The downside of doing everything remotely is that it makes me feel remote. As I said to a colleague is does not bring me as much joy as it used to. At the end of the meeting I book a service for the house alarm system and put my washing in to do. I send photos of my DBS certificate to CQC and have a sort through the growing pile of life admin that has stacked up on the end of the sofa. I should explain that the end of the sofa is my office. Its where my wi-fi is other wise I would be in the Shed. The post arrives and brings me this years supervisor register certificate and my oncologists letter to the GP.

My annual Supervision Certificate

The oncologist letter is straight forward and just says they will test my PSA in December and if it has doubled they will offer me a new treatment. The new treatment comes with steroids, which I am not keen on. This is an incentive to keep my PSA down but I’m not sure if this is in my control. All I can do is train, diet and be persistent. Time for a lunch time smoothie. I confirm tomorrows meetings and then check my to do lists. Time to train, today its the bike so I change and head for the Shed. I make it through the hour and do a reasonable distance.

I record my training session and then head for the bathroom. There is something deliciously self indulgent about a late afternoon bath complete with bath bomb. As I prepare the bath and slip into it a friend calls who I’ve not spoken to for a while. The real world out there is doing things like getting children back to school and working so its good to hear how that it is going. As I chat and soak I am asked if I will give my eldest a lift to circus school, I agree and continue my afternoon pampering. So pedicured, manicured and smelling delicious I emerge from the bathroom to become taxi man. So I drive my daughter to the circus school and wait in the car for the hour reading The Fourth Shore. Its not getting any better, despite a rape, catholic guilt and and chronologically jumbled story line. I shall finish it but I’m not sure I will read the other book by her. I am saved by my returning daughter. We go home and eat tuna pasta while my partner has her singing lesson. There is athletics TV while I write the blog and my basket of freshly dried washing waits to be sorted and put away. Always the mundane hovers and trivia lurks to take the eye of the important things.