Tuesday, its sunny again so I get up and munch muesli for breakfast and check my emails. I book my next 28 day injection appointment and order a side of B12 to go with it. I also order my monthly drug supply. After some class prevarication I get into my training gear and head for the Shed. I’ve decided to crack my low motivation by getting on the bike. I need to break any pattern related to training so I go for the bike today even though I have not used it lately as it might have contributed to my PSA rise. It has also been know for me to pass blood after a tough bike session, which adds to my anxiety about the bike. I clamber onto the bike,strap my aerobic training mask on my face and get going. An hour later I have completed my session and start to fill the pond in the garden as its got low in the heat.

Time for a shower then lunch, chicken soup. So time to go for a piss, first after training on the bike. No blood. That makes my mind up to use the bike in my future training programme. I ‘ve not got time to dawdle as I have a meeting at 2pm and set about doing some admin work for the meeting. At 2 o’clock I am sat in front of my laptop greeting colleagues. For the next three hours we work away in a new era of new management, new priorities. By the end I am hot and tired but complete one or two tasks related to our conversations. By this time my garden guy has arrived so I go to see him and we chat about the Iris bed he is preparing. I’m moving some of my ancient Iris’s to the front garden where they will get more sun.

I watch some south american football before tea and then settle down to write the blog. The evening will stretch out before me,my only aim will be to get a decent nights sleep and put the bins out.