Monday, jab Monday and I’m writing this late in the evening and I feel crap. Despite taking paracetamol yesterday and today I still feel grim. It creeps up on me as the day wears on. So this is going to be short and sweet before I head for bed. Once I returned home from the GP surgery early this morning I retreated to the shed intending to do some creative stuff and to write but I just stared at the garden. I quit the endeavour and went back indoors to review some evidence for an assessment on Wednesday. A brief lunch and I head back out to the shed to train in the bike for an hour. It goes okay. Back to the house for a bath during which we discovered that my partners mother was going to be ejected from her care home on Thursday with an inadequate care home. My partner takes to the phone and I cook the evening meal. I have the luxury of a phone call with a friend and then eat tea. By now I am feeling rough and it goes on getting worse as the evening carries on, TV is on but is not entertaining or distracting, its just noise, interrupted only by the Tesco delivery. So that’s it, I head for bed knowing I’ve got a busy day tomorrow. I might be getting fitter, losing weight and doing good work but this monthly jab is a real bastard.