PHASE II A.G.A.I.G DAYS 201 & 202

Saturday and it was a reunion day with old colleagues, a lunch engagement. First there was a bacon bagel breakfast and coffee before my partners friend arrived. Together they went of to tour the village scarecrow event that is running over the bank holiday weekend. I drive to a marina in Burton to meet my old colleagues and friend. It turned out to be a really good afternoon as a friend turned up unexpectedly having flown in from Bermuda in the morning and driven up from London. It was a an excellent time and really good to see and catch up with the group. Back home for the evening I was tired and settled done to a very passive evening of a TV film and football highlights. I eventually went to bed but did not sleep well.

Sunday, a slow rise and breakfast before going out to see some of the scarecrows around the village. They were supposed to be based on children’s books however one person obviously did not get the message as they created Gray as in “50 Shades of Gray”. There were over a hundred and nine entries, here are a couple.

I return home and take a few pictures in the garden as I finish weed killing the front paths.

I am tired and retreat to the bedroom to read for a while. I choose to start one of the novels by Virginia Bailey. I read the first few chapters. It is very wordy and full of adjectives, its slow and and jumps back and forth in time.

I snooze under the weight of description and wake in time to cook my famed chicken and chorizo one pot for tea. We eat and watch the new TV drama and then I write the blog as todays football highlights play out. Today I weighed myself and found myself to be only marginally under 95 kilos. I have feasted and lazed this week, in fact fro the last two weeks. It has to stop. I must get back to my fitness routine tomorrow as I have until December 21st to get fit before my next oncology appointment and the possible option of new medication.