Its Sunday and I wake up in a strange bed with the sound of the sea gently washing in the distance. Coffee and breakfast and of course we watch the Olympics while it rains outside. Here is the guided tour of our home from home:

The view from the frontage The hall way
Open Dressing Room Lounge
Kitchen Kitchen
Part 1 of the garden Part two with wild flower meadow.
The house is newly renovated and is vary comfortable and modern. We have settled in well. Having out sat the rain we go to the local shop to buy some of the things we have forgotten to bring with us and then return before heading for a walk on the beach.
Looking north Looking south
We spend time walking the beach, its bracing and the sea has that slightly grumpy look, as if its envious of its pacific cousins. But it rolls and responds to the pull of the moon making its waves break along the beach. The cliffs above are crumbly and the beach full of rocks washed from the chalk. We head back to the house to relax and eat a hearty tea. While the pie cooks I start to write the blog. Tonight will be TV and continuing to try and turn off and probably watching the sea as night draws on.