Friday and its Enabling Environment forum day. So its a rapid bowl of muesli and I am in front of the laptop logging in to the forum. After some networking time the forum starts with an intense and quite brilliant presentation from the key note speaker. And so the day goes. I chair the rest of the presentations except the last live podcast interview of the out going programme director. During this time I take a call from a friend to check something out. The forum comes to an end and the team debrief and think about follow up actions. We say farewell and sign off. I discover that the post office has returned my birthday present to my granddaughter in Sweden because there was no customs form on it. I go to the post office and pick up the right customs document and return home to put it on the parcel. The evening arrives and we do dinner after which I write the blog but my IT is playing up and I cannot get it to save. Eventually I give up and will return to it in the morning.