Monday, the Olympics is of course still going strong but today is a work day. I do breakfast and settle down to listen to a podcast by Sophie Ellis about her work and research into the role of prison psychologists over history. Its a very interesting listen and takes me up to the time of my interview. Sophie starts me off and I am away. I just talk and talk because I can about a lot of people who I knew and worked with and at some level miss. The time went very quickly and it was soon time to wind up and do the pleasantries. A quick coffee and I am back in front of my laptop and in a meeting with a set of services doing a review of the enabling environment progress. Some are doing well despite the COVID difficulties, others are facing real challenges. The attrition rates on some staff has been high and as a result the progress has been lost and a new process put in place to restart the journey. I ring the hospital to rearrange the appointment that has come through for my CT scan. Sods law it fell in the holiday week. So I now wait for a new date having given them my availability.

Its my eldest daughters birthday tomorrow so I take a trip to the garden centre to buy her favoured cake and pasta dish. On my return home I find that Tesco have delivered and finish off the squirrelling away of the goodies. My partner and daughter go off to see a friend in the village. I head for the garage and the rower. This is the start of my austerity week to get fit for next weeks holiday. The goal is to be 92 kilos again by weigh in on Sunday.

It takes me a while to recover, this was a tough session, but I am glad that I made the effort. Dinner follows and what seems like endless Olympic highlights play in the background. The rest of my evening will be wrapping presents and resisting more food.

A busy fesnying