Wednesday. I am once again up early and downloading yesterdays photos. The above was a complete surprise as we looked for postcards. It sits atop the post box, brilliant piece of street art and community thoughtfulness.

The morning drifts by with breakfast followed by a trip to the shops to buy postcards,papers and Eccles cakes, all of which we consume during the morning. I discovered that the power socket that I had the laptop plugged into does not work. Bit of a blow as my battery was all but dead. Happily it sprung back to life once plugged into a new socket. So lunchtime comes around and we are off out into the sunshine. We walk the beach (sounds like a Johnny Cash song tittle), and find a spot to sit and read for a while. I settle into Atom.

Its quite interesting but a fairly standard account of the people involved. Marie Currie turns out to be a feisty one. After a while sitting on a towel on a lovely beach I become aware of the dampness of my arse as the water soaks though the towel, we move. The thing about prostate cancer is that prolonged walks can be tricky. Sometimes all is well but at other times its not so good and one can be found googling the nearest convenience. We wander, at a good pace, back towards the boat slope and change back into shoes to return to the apartment. I write postcards as my partner makes rolls for a late lunch. The cards are taken to the post box. If the notice on the box is to be believed we have just arrived two minutes before the collection is due. This is of course is the kiss of doom and means that we will get home before the cards arrive. Back at the apartment I laze, order flowers for a family members birthday and update the blog. Tonight we have a table booked at a restaurant. I’ve checked the menu, its basic English fayre so it will be a pig out rather than a refined dining experience. This calls for an elasticated waste band and a voluminous ice hockey jersey, something to accommodate the full belly and can be easily got out of at the end of the evening before collapsing into bed.