PHASE 11 A.G.A.I.G DAY 152
I am on holiday!

Its Saturday and we woke at 6 to dine on marmalade toast and coffee. I showered and then set about packing the car. It all went well apart from the handle of one of the suitcases falling off. By 8 o’clock we were under way to Westwood Ho! We arrived at 2pm due to the fact that I decided to stop twice, once for bladder relief and a snack and the second time just for another bladder relief. Before prostate cancer I would have ploughed on with foot down hard on the accelerator, muttering things about “whats the point of having a shit of a shovel car if you don’t go fast”. Now days I am more concerned with being comfortable and looking after myself, not to mention those in the car with me.

We arrive and unload and sit on our patio and look out over the ocean whilst eating pate and cherries washed down with coffee. We just sit and I watch people and the gulls waiting for one to try and snatch food from me like the bastards at Whitby tried to. But these gulls are clearly polite and well mannered which reinforces my view of the northern propensity to be rude under the guise of straight forwardness. Of course once rested we shop for all the things we realised we had forgotten while on the journey down. It also included super glue to mend the suitcase handle and some non alcohol beer. We wandered a bit to just make sure that everything we remembered from last time was still here. The brightly coloured row of cottage, the restaurants and shops where we bought trinkets to remind us of here never thinking we would be back. We return to the apartment and flop into big soft sofas and stare out the window for a while, I even read a little bit. Of course it was only a matter of time before I tried out the WiFi. I finally got in adn started to write the blog but hit a snag with the text formatting. Only one thing to do, pullout and restart the laptop and of course let it up grade. That was a mistake, the WiFi is so slow it took the laptop over an hour to up grade and reboot by which time we had figured out how to use the oven, cooked adn eaten a pizza, installed the mobile carbon monoxide detector/alarm and unpack. As the sun starts to go down I get back into the blog and finish for the day. Currently I am contemplating a gentle evening stroll while also playing with the TV to see if we can hook it up to the internet. I feel an early night coming on as the drive has made me tired. Perhaps the ocean will revive me.

See the source image