Its Friday, prepare day for holiday. I’m up and meuslised and coffeed early and set about the holiday tasks. Empty bins, recycle cardboard, fill the car, check the tyres and top up the screen wash. Then of course there is the final packing and those tortuous decisions about what I’m going to be wearing over the coming week. On balance I figure I am going to an English seaside town (village) that has become more “kiss me quick hats” and chalet home holiday camp than an elite dining experience. That established I’ve gone for ultra casual, actually I’ve gone for one step from slob. Shorts, classy of course and a variety of tops from T shirts to ice hockey jerseys. Once again classy. With new underwear and socks I’m good. I wonder if the red street boots are a step too far.

I retreat to the shed for a while and write a letter. I find that if I do not write for a few days my head gets clogged with words and I do not function well. I pop over to the post office and drop the letter in the box. Its lunch time and my partner logs off from work and we go shopping for holiday food. We get enough to see us through the first couple of days, after that who knows. If we are in luck we can always pop over to the ice cream van that parks on the promenade opposite the apartment. We laze over coffee and Danish pastry as we read the paper and then I indulge in the crossword until my chore list calls. I take a call from a friend and we chat for a while about the coming days, work and parenting. I get my case sorted and down stairs. I’m still not sure about my wardrobe but I think its pitched right. Its time to train I’ve decided to bike today to loosen my legs and give my arms a rest. I return to the shed and set about my session.

As I cycle the rain beats down and I wonder what you do when it throws it down in an English seaside village. There is going to be crazy golf on the edge of an ocean. I finish the session and sit resting before I move back to the house and change. I watch some tennis and then wander the garden taking pictures of flowers I had not noticed before.

My evening continues with dinner,a film and the blog. Tonight I shall rest early and get myself ready for the drive to the seaside in the morning. Judging from tonight’s travel news the M5 and onwards to our seaside spot is a traffic nightmare. I guess the whole of England is running for shelter and some respite. I just want to see the sea, walk a beach and remind myself of just how elemental water is.

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;