Thursday and I wake early determined to drink more water before my blood taking at 9:05. A swift breakfast and I walk down to the GP surgery. I get called in and the nurse says she did not recognise me “with my hair down”. The bloods taken I walk home and set about working on my presentation before logging into an online meeting. The meeting meanders and ends with a brief chat to a colleague. I return to making my presentation before lunch. In order relax I garden for a bit and retreat to the shed to write a letter. A quick trip to the post box and I am back at the presentation. I work the evening away waiting for midnight to see if my bloods come through.
12:26 some of my blood come through: GGT (Liver test) 23, in normal range. Hb (Haemoglobin) 122, in normal range. WBC (white blood cell count) 6.8, in normal range. Vitamin B12, 2000, normal range. NeutroP (Neurophils) 3.61, Haematocrit/PCV 38.30. Plats (Platelets) 130, slightly low but not dangerous. So far so good.
Time for bed.