Let me say straight away that who ever thought PDF was a good idea was barking mad. Its the worst most inhospitable, user unfriendly format that could have been devised. There is nothing intuitive about it and seems to have been devised as an irritant to humanity. I have finally managed to fill in the final ombudsman form using it and told the ombudsman to bring to an end the long haul to failure that has been going on. Its done, its over, we have to move on. Finally the pain the kidneys that has been going on since March 2019 is coming to an end. The resolution or ending has become more important than the issues, we take the minuscule amount of award and scamper off to the future.

Today was weigh in day.

91.6 Kilos No change this week.

I am claiming my white chocolate raspberry cheesecake reward anyway along with the bacon bagel breakfast, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Post breakfast I cleaned the fish tank which the fish community appreciated as they can now watch television unimpeded by the green curtain between them and the strange air world.

Fish done I move on to read the paper and then have a long chat with my youngest daughter at our regular Sunday face time call. Her birthday presents are starting to arrive to the custody of her partner who I have offered to get an elf suit for. Once over and waved farewell I watch a brilliant game of rugby, London Irish versus Bristol Bears, it ends up an improbable 34-34 draw. Its games like this that restore my interest and motivation in sport. Unfortunately these games are few and far between, but when they do come along I can hear my roller blades calling to me. I’m very tempted. Resisting the temptation I head for the garden and plant the Chinese Meadow Rue that arrived mid week. Two in the front border and two in the sloping bed at the back. If they go well I might well increase their numbers.

See the source image
Chinese Meadow Rue

As the light fades I return indoors to continue to write the blog that I started earlier. I tell Alexa to play Chopin nocturnes, its so much better than a TV wallpaper. Which reminds me of an earlier conversation with my partner. We have decided to replace the old alarm/radio with an Echo Dot 4 as it will do more, take up less space and is flexible. I ordered it earlier so tomorrow the household may take a leap into the future.

My evening is going to be food followed by, reading maybe, football maybe, a new TV series starring James Nesbit maybe, updating the Tesco order definitely and a warm pre work week bath, perhaps all of these things.

I miss my friends, I miss family and the people I care about outside of my immediate family it makes me aware of how many of them I owe letter to. All this and a busy week ahead, how did life in lockdown get so busy all of a sudden?

I saw my first frog of the year today, the future is good.