Thursday and its a work day so an early muesli breakfast for me and some organisational admin. By 10 o’clock I am in front of my screen and in a meeting. The meeting is quite useful but I am surprised by a call from my doctors surgery. According to the receptionist the doctor wants me in to do another blood test having seen my last results. I agree a time on the 1st of July and return to the meeting feeling slightly taken aback. The meeting continues and then I get another call from a friend which I take as the meeting had stopped doing any real business. We chat for a while and I then return to the meeting in time to catch the end of it. I grab a soup lunch and open my post to find a letter from a friend, an unexpected treat to read later. Its back to the laptop quickly to host the final session of the Open Forum. No one turns up so my co host and I chat about the history of the forum and some future work. As I log off and think about my next chore Mr Amazon delivers my new steam punk sun glasses,which of course I try on.

New sun glasses, I like them.

I take a wander round my front garden trying to clear my head from the mornings work and of course I find new flowers in bloom.

Having cleared my head its time to put my reorganised winter fleeces into boxes and store then in the loft. Its part of clearing the back bedroom for our youngest daughter and fiance who are visiting this weekend. Mission complete I change into my training kit and head for the garage to row for an hour. It turns in to a reasonable session.

As I record my session a friend phones and we have a chance for a brief chat about my unexpected blood test and what that might mean. The call over I change out of my kit and clear the kitchen and then sit with a drink and read my letter. So lovely to have a letter to read with a drink. The football comes on and I watch it until tea arrives, my favourite, tuna pasta. My evening continues with football and writing the blog. Tomorrow I will collect my drugs and spend some time writing. I’m still processing my doctors interest and what it means.

I wonder…