Friday, 8 o’clock bloods at the GP. Goes smoothly so I just wait for the results to be available on the app after midnight tonight. I go home and cook a bacon bagel and then go to the shed to write letters. By eleven o’clock I’m ready to post the letters and collect the dry cleaning so I dive off to do both. I get home in time to hand the car to my partner so she can go and get her x-ray done. I get lunch and then get ready for my two o’clock meeting. Just before the meeting a friend rings and we are able to have a quick hello before the meeting opens on my screen. the meeting is very productive and informative, a good use of my time. I then drove off and collected my youngest daughter from her circus skills class and raided Sainsburys for goodies not had since the start of lockdown. Home and I get into the garage for an hours row. I am magnificent and row a personal best. Not something I expected at the moment but hey I will take what I can get right now.

The family dine and then I settle down to watch the opening match of the Euros. So good on a bigger TV screen. Italy beat Turkey 3 -0. At the end of the game I sort out my direction to tomorrows lunch date where I am meeting a group of friends from previous work places. We have booked a breeze hut for a couple of hours. Its going to be odd to be seeing each other again and being able to talk face to face and hug. It will be interesting to see if we can remember how to talk or have a conversation. Directions sorted, I write the blog. These blood days are always tricky as to whether I stay up past midnight to see my blood results or wait till the morning. In the meantime I eat wine gums and type. This is how cancer is, the ordinary played out under the shadow of the unknown. Whether my cell surface chemistry has found a way to overcome the medication is the constant question that the blood tests answer. Or they at least give indications of which way the wind is blowing and how hard.

Roland 1 – Blood results ?