Friday and I leap from my bed at an early hour for today is tree man day. I hear my daughter go to the bus stop early and I move the cars off the drive to let tree man’s machines in when they arrive. I say yes to a bacon bagel but before I can eat it my daughter returns to the house as the bus has not turned up so I drive her into town to the train station. By the time I get home tree people are cutting off branches and stacking them ready to be shredded on the front lawn.

During the morning tree folk cut and trim being careful not to disturb the nests they found, collared doves and wood pigeons. I write letters in the comfort of the back room vacated by my daughter for the day. By lunch time things are looking different in the back garden. The team clear up and leave and I head for the Shed. However I cannot get in as there are pots that have been moved left in front of the door. I spend an hour putting pots back in their places and then I notice that some of the dahlias in the pots are coming through at last so I replace them on the patio to get more sun. I finally get in the Shed and write another brief letter which I take to the post box before climbing on the bike in the Shed and grinding out an hour session. It was going to be shorter but once I was on board I just kept going for the full hour.

I gather up my stuff and head back towards the house, as I go to switch off the power to the Shed I notice my gold ring sitting on the outside window ledge of the laundry room. I thought I had lost it on the day I did a lot of gardening and have no memory of taking it off and putting it on the window ledge but I would have thought that if the garden guy or the tree folk had found it they would have said something. Anyway its a truly serendipitous that I have found my ring again. I eat tea, noting that my daughter has returned home and then shower so that I can attend to my surgery wound cleanly. A couple of light TV views and I settle down to write the blog before bed. Tomorrow promises to be sunny and warm so I intend to sort the garden pots and baskets out and set the gardens course for the summer. It feels like moving forward. Shuggie Bain continues to be unremittingly depressing.