A.G.A.I.G DAY 323

Its Tuesday and the day I expect the oncologist to ring. I am met by icicle palms as I get up for a bacon breakfast.

I start to cook bacon for breakfast and get a message about a meeting I’m supposed to be in. I halt my bacon and log on for half an hour and feedback from the meeting I had attended yesterday. A brief but useful meeting but once over I rescued my bacon from the grill and had my coffee and drugs.

I tidy up some notes and get myself organised fro my oncologist call at noon. I clear the kitchen and before I know it “he who made a pact with the devil” rings me, almost an hour early. He tells me that my bloods are good and we chat about how the anticoagulants I take may affect my platelet count. He tells me that the tumours in my back have not grown and are the same size as they were after chemotherapy. There are no new ones. He also tells me that the cancer in my spine has not progressed. Its still as good as it can get. I ask about my recent reaction to the 28 day injections and he suggests that I take paracetamol; the day before, on the day and the day after. If that does not work then he suggested an over the counter antihistamine. I tell him I am passing blood in my urine after my cycling sessions, he asks questions and concludes that it is probably my knackered prostate responding. He says not to stop exercising but take it easier. I note that. He says that he will send me a bloods form and see me/ring me again in four months time. A result and I decide to re flag the blog as Phase ii. I am through the first year post chemo, now I move forward into my next year with new challenges. I remain on my tight rope but I feel I have my balance more secure, at least for now.

Of course at the end of the call I immediately message family and friends and tell them how the session went. Then its on with life. I get into my training gear and go to the shed. I sit and write letters before getting up on the bike and doing an hours session wondering if there will be blood in my urine. I take it easy.

I finish my session and retreat to the house where I run a bath, and of course it has to be one with a bath bomb in it, I think I am becoming addicted to them.

My celebratory luxury, because I’m worth it!

I emerge from the bath room head to toe Calvin Klein One and also pleased that there is no blood in my urine after this session. That is a relief. Donning jeans and toucan T shirt I put the bin out for tomorrows collection and walk to the post box to send my letter. I return to find there is a building project for me to do, a flat pack toilet roll store. Rather than have scratty bags of toilet rolls sitting in the bathroom we have gone for a storage box. Ridiculously ease to put together with my new cordless drill/screwdriver. In no time at all the box is done, filled and in place. A great improvement.

Neat new roll storage.

I’m on a roll (excuse pun) so I head for the kitchen and cook my famous chicken and chorizo one pot for tea. While it bubbles away I retreat to the sofa and check my emails and work messages. The family stops work for the day and we eat tea before I settle down to watch tonight’s football match followed by Marcella. By the time I’v eaten popcorn and crisps I am ready to write the blog.

Its been good day, not often do I say that out loud. My cancer is still there, always will be but its no progressing. I like to think that the non drinking, non sugar and carbohydrate diet and exercise has something to do with it, but I have no real way of knowing but I cannot think of anything else that makes sense to do. At root I still have my dandelion time clock and my wish to spend my time with you. By way of celebration I allowed myself to buy the Arizona Coyotes Hockey Fights Cancer jersey.

Wind might not blow, at least today.