Tuesday, Yalom day, or it will be at 7 o’clock tonight when I attend a webinar at which Yalom is talking. But first I get a smoothie breakfast and head for the Shed. Its a letter writing morning. That is exactly what I do all morning. I consume mini cheddars and a bag of chocolate buttons while writing. I reach a crisis point of running out of decent writing paper so immediately order new from Amazon. With luck tomorrow will see me with more pretty correspondence paper and envelopes. Its an indulgence but the people I write to are worth it. A friend rings and we chat birthdays and shopping, its nice to get a call while in the shed as I can chat while looking out over the garden while listening to the rain on the roof. At lunch time I cook noodles and take my letters to the post box along with my drivers licence that I’ve cut in two as instructed by the DVLA when I was renewing my licence. Back home I change into my training gear and return to the shed. I decide to go for a long session on the bike and see how I mange it. The answer was pretty well.

I recovery from efforts and return to the house locking the Shed up for the day. Once in the house I record my feat and have another chat with a friend. My body was ready for the shower I treated it to. Its a fun packed evening as I watch Leicester beat Manchester United and make Manchester City this years premier champions and then I join a Webinar to hear Irvine Yalom talk about this experience of death and grief having lost his partner of some 75 years. As always he was very candid about what he was experiencing and how he was coping with it. I came away with quite a lot to digest. However no time to reflect as I had washing to put in the tumble dryer and a blog to write to the accompaniment of Mock the Week. All in all a good day. With luck I will get my clothes folded and be able to read some more of Helgoland.