Wednesday, an empty day in terms of work so its a lazy breakfast and a tidying up of some work notes. I listen to Eric Satie thanks to Alexa and read some more of the BI-BLE, which continues to engage me. The post man arrives and so I receive lots of new recycling but amidst the dross was a surprise card from an old colleague and my final Arizona Coyote T shirt in the rather lovely retro design.

My completed collection of the Arizona coyotes retro wear. I’m a proud Howler!

No sooner than I have admired my new T shirt the door bell rings again and there is a box for me containing the external outlet covers that I had ordered in the wake of my condenser outlet freezing and choking the boiler to submission. This springs me into project action. I get the tools I need and the “no nails” and head for the out doors to the condenser outlet. I find that I cannot get the base plate round the pipe work so I have to cut a slot out of it. Simple in theory but getting the vice out and the work space set up in the garage hampered by the growing number of charity boxes collecting in the space is a decided pain in the arse. I manage the surgery and return to the cold outdoors and endeavour to “no nails” the back plate to the wall. Learning point, “no nails” is crap at plastic to brick sticking. In the end I get the drill out and screw the back plate to the wall. Once that’s done its easy to screw the front on and congratulate myself on a good job.

Time for lunch and then I head to the shed to train. I was going to write but sometimes I just know its not the right time and there is more processing to be done. I train on the bike for an hour.

I get back to the house and find that two new books have arrived, volume two of the BI-BLE and Kae Tempests first novel, “The Bricks that Built the Wall”. I’m excited to read them both. It seems I have overcome my reading block, which is a relief.

I head for the bath book in hand and throw in a seaweed bath bomb and soak for a while. Tea and I settle down to write the blog, read some more and maybe watch a bit more football. Tomorrow is a work day for me and I already feel slightly peeved that it will interfere with my reading time.

Winter comes but gives way to beauty