Wednesday and I wake again after a poor nights sleep. So I go through my new routine of doing my SATs and checking my mail and messages and then its time for breakfast. I settle down to write a draft letter to the solicitors dealing with my sisters estate. I send it to my co executors. Its sunny while I bring in my washing and get it away. Once my partner had gone to see her mother I head for the nearest garden centre with my eldest daughter who is in holiday. We gather up bags of compost and some fresh herb plants. I also get some plants to try in the flower bed which is proving difficult to plant. Once home I set to and and get the new additions into the ground. It takes a long time in the heat adn by the end of it I need to take a quiet time out and rest. I do this by taking a set of SATs and taking in the reflections.
My partner returns with her brother and we talk about the making of a family tree. I show him the work I had done on my own. He leaves and I go to the garage to train. I do not feel like it but this is now my only medicine that I can control and contribute. The garage is hot as I strap in for a 45 minute session. It goes okay, I make 9+ kilometres and burn 600+ calories, so I guess it is reasonable.

I get out of my sweaty togs and record the session before having tea. My partner presents me with a surprise present. Something I have never seen before, a scarf fan! Apparently one of my partners staff recommended it as a wizard way of cooling down. I was sceptical but it is in fact brilliant. It has three speeds and does in fact cool effectively. Its really handy to combat my hot flushes. So here I am with my new useful toy.

So my evening is spent wearing my new comfort and pawing over the family tree. It turns out that the work my sister had down in drawing up a family tree is not totally accurate. Some generations are on the wrong level and the dates of birth do not tally. So I spend a great deal of time trying to get things in order. I think I finally get there on the data that I have but it is clear I am going to need to do more research on all the papers that have been retrieved from my sisters house. So at the moment I have a lot of small sticky labels on a a chart as I try to work out the best layout on what I know to date.

I flog away all evening and in the end get to a point where I can do no more. Over the coming days and weeks I will need to do a lot of research to get a final and accurate version of the history. I pack things away and return to the lounge to find the family on their way to bed so I am left alone to draft the blog for today. I take my meds and then make my way to bed. Its been a strange day in several way but as I beaver away at mending, making good, tending and nurturing garden and training I fear I have neglected friends who I owe letters to, so I hope for time in the Shed to write and to “chat” with them.