Monday, I wake and despite my protestations about not watching the Super Bowl I did stay up to watch the first half, by which time I was bored with what was up until then a boring defensive game. So I wake tired and when I check my news feed find that the Super Bowl turned in to a nail biting classic. I have no regrets about missing it, as a sporting spectral goes there is not a lot of sport that goes on, almost everyone is more interested in the celebrity crowd and the half time entertainment. Give me a full blooded rugby game any day, no padding, no helmets just flesh on flesh brutality and speed. Needless to say I wake up a tired. I follow my normal routine once I have been brought my now usual mug of hot water. The cyber check gets done and I do my vitals, again all good. So its a light breakfast with morning meds and a check there is no blood in my urine. Its thankfully clear so I settle down to spend ages searching the internet to understand what my Fn key does on my laptop keyboard in order to understand what is going on with my partners work laptop. I finally sort out my keyboard but my partners laptop is truly screwed so she will get a new one when she goes into work tomorrow. So by lunch time I am a bit more tech savvy. Having cleared the kitchen it becomes time to think about tonight’s crockpot meal and a smidgen of lunch. I’ve asked the American book people to contact me today to finalise what it is they are supposed to be doing, if they do not show that will be it as far as I am concerned, I shall switch to an English company who I know have produced the goods for one of my partners colleagues and cut my losses.
My afternoon passes, mostly with me researching the local parish counsel. My partner has expressed a preference for where my ashes will be put, so I am trying to sort out having my sisters ashes placed in the same place. It turns out the local parish counsel has to have a burials officer, so I need to be contacting him soon or get a local funeral director to do all the bureaucratic crap for me.
The evening comes around when I eat a meal with my partner before she goes out to see a friend and my eldest daughter goes of train. I am alone at home so indulge in watching the third of the original Star Wars films. If only they had not invented the Ekwok, but all in all its stood the test of time quite well. I return to the blog to finish drafting it. At some point this afternoon I wrote a poem, another of my more recent darker ones. Bizarrely I get an invitation to a book and writers fair in Los Angeles from the American book people, they really do not get it. I’ve given them a time to ring me tomorrow at their request so I will see if this one last shot actually works, if not I will walk away. I am running out of time and need to switch to an English publisher soon. For now its time to take my night chemo meds and head for bed.

Inner strength, it’s what counts