Fight like its the last chance.

Thursday rocks up to find me rocky. You know one of those days when you wake up and just feel off for some reason. I’m very disappointed as I had hoped for a good day today, however one must get on with it in the belief that things will turn around. I go through my cyber routine of checking messages but before I can reach the end the window cleaners are at the windows hosing them down and cleaning. I remain in bed and wait for them to go before going about my business of finishing my morning checks. There is no significant cyber litter today and as my partner brings me my morning hot water I complete my usual vitals check. Once again they are good.

I have a simple breakfast, take my morning meds and clear the kitchen before retrieving the garden camera from its position behind the Shed. On checking the contents I find the usual pidgeons, squirrels and cats, only once to I get a blurry picture and a clear video of a fox. No sign of any hedgehogs, which is disappointing but it maybe that I am expecting too much this early in February. I take a bit of time to wander my garden and appreciate all the plants that are responding to the additional light that removing some trees has had. Spring is really getting a move on, which feels optimistic in the face of my own more pessimistic demeanour of late. My garden once again lifts me.

Everywhere I look I see bulbs throwing up their shoots. After years of bulb planting Spring now seems to take care of itself in the garden. It buys me time to plan and think about what to put in for the summer months. On days like this present day me is pleased that past me took the trouble to plant all those bulbs. The spikes of bulbs in the pots are pushing through the winter violas and pansies that I put before Christmas so I have both colour and more flowers to come in the pots for a couple of months. The family lunches together on pasta as my partner and eldest daughter are going with her brother and niece to see a show tonight, so I shall have the evening to myself to watch Oppenheimer.

My afternoon begins with the arrival of post and to my joy there is a letter from my friend in Scotland. Attached to the letter is a gift which makes me laugh and lightens mood immensely. It will become part of my coffee table equipment and be there to cheer me every day. Who would not be cheered by an irreverent Pooh.

I just love this, just the right present at the right time.

I settle down with a coffee and read my friends letter. Always such a pleasure to get a letter. Today has turned out much better than I expected. There are more presents in the letter, my friend spurred by Dancing on Ice and her own interest sends me a link to an extraordinary piece of ice dance. I found it breathtakingly beautiful, what a gift.

In the same letter tucked into the back is a poem. One that again is a gift and very apt for my situation. It reminds me that these expression in all the arts are a marker that others have walked the path that I am on and have found things along the way that make the everyday bearable and to the curious, a way to new understanding. I am curious and look it up on the web and find my friend has omitted the last two stanza, but also find that other people have as well and used the shorter version on posters. The full version is below.

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honourably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond

                          Jalaluddin Rumi

A friend messages me to share her plans for the weekend as she continues to recover from long COVID. Having recently “gone live” back at work this is an important step. It is clear that long COVID requires patient management to recover. I think that once people see someone return to work they believe the person is recovered, even if some significant work adjustments have been made. It is a mistake as my friend clearly demonstrates that there has to be continued careful management of activity and rest. It is still a fine balancing act to maintain a recovery path that brings someone back to the fit person they were. I wonder how many people actually understand this.

My afternoon has been full of gifts that have fed me, stimulated me and encouraged me. It is these things that friendship brings and that makes the relational realm of life the one that is most precious.

I move into my evening feeling lighter and it matters little what I do as the day has been rich and stimulating. I now need to rest and soak up all that has come to me today. I spend my evening drinking water to maximize my hydration as tomorrow I am having another set of bloods taken prior to my oncology review next Thursday. Apparently maximizing my hydration helps maximize my platelet score, so three pints of water and my night chemo meds I go off to bed in the hope that I get a perfect in range set of bloods like last time and of course my PSA continuing to fall.

Time to rest is the best gift


Fight, even on Valentines day.

Wednesday, Valentines day and like all days these days it starts with cyber rituals, messages, news feeds and litter followed by taking my vitals (all good again), and then getting up and making breakfast. This, although sounding easy and normal is taking an increasing amount of time as my energy levels get depleted more quickly these days. On rainy days like this I do not mind, a slow start to these days is pleasurable but when the weather picks up and is sunny it is less of a joy. There is not a lot on my agenda for today apart from an expected call from the book people in the USA.

My partner unbeknown to me posted a video of me tossing pancakes on the family WhatsApp yesterday, for any one interested here it is. It at least shows I can still learn new skills but it also reminds me of a prostate cancer advert that showed a recovered man smiling happily and sticking pancakes to the ceiling in joyous fun having had the news he was cured. Me not so lucky, so it would appear tossing pancakes is an unrelated activity to wellness or cure.

Pancake tossing clearly not related to any form of cancer cure.

Mid morning I listen to Ginsberg read his poem America, if you have not heard him do this it is worth a listen if you are into poetry, American Beat poetry that is. I’ve put in below if you have 10 minutes to spare. The experience of hearing him perform it is vastly different from just reading it.

Any way having listened to America I felt moved to write a poem, not a Ginsberg standard poem but one where I try to grab the moment of how it is right now.

I have meditation in my ears
where once was Ginsberg,
that howling man of America,
seeing lions and decrying
the loss of self.
I heard the voice
of stand up poetry,
the passion and the humour,
compassion for the other. 
How and where does this come from,
these  tears unshed, this despair?
There in the air is the message
that I shall never,
or never shall,
speak aloud
this distress contained within. 
Slowly but surely disintegration
Seeps through both body and being
that is unspeakable
to a world of war and
others pain and burdens.
This utter insignificance
Is desert like in its vastness.
I have visions, fantasies
of knowing rest
but it is all too much.
I turn up the volume
of Alexa’s calming offerings.
Noises not music, supposedly serene
but now wallpaper to hang around me,
buying time to write;
no scribble, scratch around
the fear of dying.
As things slow down 
I function less.
Every blog starts
With the word “fight”
but my jabs are slow,
my hooks weak,
all from memory
of who I used to be.
What I am now is too terrifying
to look at, freakish,
a thing I never thought I would be.
Not just old but dying
beyond my control,
like this poem
it is to be long, drawn out
and never a hint
of Ginsberg, Wantling, Ferlingheti
and all the breathless poets whose voices
shook the world.
All I ever was is
never to be.
Ungrammatical silence is my legacy.

								 368 14th February 2024

Like I say not a strophe to change the world but how it is, sort of, for me. Back in the Real World my partner goes to see her mother with her brother, eldest daughter already off to work. I am alone and of course I set about making a meal for them to come home to in the evening and then the afternoon is mine. I do not do much with my afternoon except apart from drifting through cyber space and tidying up my laptops. My partner returns home as does my eldest daughter and in due course we sit down to the evening meal.

Over the course of the evening there is football and films, the last being What We Did On Our Holidays, a lovely film. A bit bitter sweet experience as it is a comedy about children giving their grandfather, who dies of cancer on the beech, a Viking funereal. Eventually I get to take my chemo and take myself to bed. Its been a strange day of contrasting feelings and rather disconcerting.

More steel required in my personal time clock.

Was that flatulence?


Fight slow, fight slower, fight

Tuesday, I wake to find my partner gone to work and soon to be followed by my eldest daughter. I check my cyber world for messages and litter and then take my vitals whilst listening to Alexa play me meditation music. I get up and take my morning meds and then get myself ready to walk to the shop and then the village café for breakfast. The rain is light as I trudge the shop to buy a paper and some honey adn maple syrup for the pancakes I intend to make today. The shopping goes well but I am aware that I am already flagging and look forward to a sit down in the village café. I am deeply disappointed when I find the café full and I am forced to walk home to make toast and hot water. The walk is a real effort a I do not feel great but I make it, feeling breathless and not myself. I tell myself I need food and eat as soon as I get in.

As I nibble my way through my toast I do the crosswords in the paper. Another day when I do not need Google to help. Feeling a bit better I start to weigh out the ingredients of my crepe batter. My plan is to make batter and give it time mature in the fridge before I use it. I get the most of the pre mixing work done and then find that the cutlery organiser in the kitchen unit draw is disgustingly sticky. I take every thing out and wash it all and the take the actual organiser out and scrub it clean and dry it off. with everything dry I put everything back in the cutlery draw. This is a prime example of “puttering”.

I guess we all Putter to some extent.

Having Puttered I am now knackered and need to rest so I put my feet up and start to draft todays blog. I am of course eager to get my crepe batter prepared but it is too early and when I search the internet for how long batter can be child for there is conflicting advice. I should know better by now. Any time I go onto the internet to look for advice there is always contradictory advice. On balance I’ve decided to make my batter for 4:30pm and stick it in the fridge until people come home and have tea after which I will perform my magic. It leaves me most of the afternoon to spend as I wish, but today is a slow day and I find myself trying to rest as I watch the rain outside and realise I’ve not filled the squirrel feeder or taken the bins out for tomorrow. So there is more Puttering to be done and probably some pottering as well.

I mange to get the bins out and I make a batch of crepe batter and pop it in the fridge to chill. I’m tired and so I watch some Disney Star Wars nonsense until partner and eldest daughter return home from work. We eat tea together and I get the my batch of batter out of the fridge and produce shrove Tuesday pancakes for my family. It goes very well and my new crepe pan was brilliant. I am glad I watched a video on how to toss a crepe and I manage to do so without accident. Post tea I watch a bit of Disney nonsense and some TV, but importantly I am able to sort out an issue with my book publication with an acknowledgement that I have paid for both editorial and print costs. I am hopeful that this will move things forward. Tomorrows call will sort it one way or another. My evening ends up with me taking my chemo meds and retiring to bed hoping to feel a bit more lively tomorrow.

Do mermaids wax their scales I wonder.


Fight even if Super Bowl tired.

Monday, I wake and despite my protestations about not watching the Super Bowl I did stay up to watch the first half, by which time I was bored with what was up until then a boring defensive game. So I wake tired and when I check my news feed find that the Super Bowl turned in to a nail biting classic. I have no regrets about missing it, as a sporting spectral goes there is not a lot of sport that goes on, almost everyone is more interested in the celebrity crowd and the half time entertainment. Give me a full blooded rugby game any day, no padding, no helmets just flesh on flesh brutality and speed. Needless to say I wake up a tired. I follow my normal routine once I have been brought my now usual mug of hot water. The cyber check gets done and I do my vitals, again all good. So its a light breakfast with morning meds and a check there is no blood in my urine. Its thankfully clear so I settle down to spend ages searching the internet to understand what my Fn key does on my laptop keyboard in order to understand what is going on with my partners work laptop. I finally sort out my keyboard but my partners laptop is truly screwed so she will get a new one when she goes into work tomorrow. So by lunch time I am a bit more tech savvy. Having cleared the kitchen it becomes time to think about tonight’s crockpot meal and a smidgen of lunch. I’ve asked the American book people to contact me today to finalise what it is they are supposed to be doing, if they do not show that will be it as far as I am concerned, I shall switch to an English company who I know have produced the goods for one of my partners colleagues and cut my losses.

My afternoon passes, mostly with me researching the local parish counsel. My partner has expressed a preference for where my ashes will be put, so I am trying to sort out having my sisters ashes placed in the same place. It turns out the local parish counsel has to have a burials officer, so I need to be contacting him soon or get a local funeral director to do all the bureaucratic crap for me.

The evening comes around when I eat a meal with my partner before she goes out to see a friend and my eldest daughter goes of train. I am alone at home so indulge in watching the third of the original Star Wars films. If only they had not invented the Ekwok, but all in all its stood the test of time quite well. I return to the blog to finish drafting it. At some point this afternoon I wrote a poem, another of my more recent darker ones. Bizarrely I get an invitation to a book and writers fair in Los Angeles from the American book people, they really do not get it. I’ve given them a time to ring me tomorrow at their request so I will see if this one last shot actually works, if not I will walk away. I am running out of time and need to switch to an English publisher soon. For now its time to take my night chemo meds and head for bed.

Japanese Symbol for Strength, Kanji symbol for Strength | Japanese ...

Inner strength, it’s what counts


Fight all over the clock.

Sunday and I wake from a deep sleep feeling slightly disorientated. Of course it being a Sunday I weigh myself. 99.3 kilos comes up, exactly the same as last Sunday, so at least I’ve held steady for the week which is good given that I have not been able to bring myself to train this week. Fear of what it might do to me is probably the reason, I can’t face the distress of peeing blood that often. Once in a while if I have trained to hard is almost acceptable but not when it is induced by very little activity. So 99.3 will do this Sunday.

My partner is reading her Kindle and sipping tea when I climb back into bed and begin to sip the hot water she has brought me. We fall to chatting, me reminiscing about my infant school days where all I can remember learning is some basic basket weaving and how to make a recorder from a length of bamboo and a cork. The woman teacher who had both pitch perfect hearing and the ability to cut the shelf of the recorder with a Swiss Army knife with unerring accuracy was the person who taught us these handy life skills. On the other hand a genial Mr Ballack instilled in me the wonder of science when he demonstrated the the strength of air pressure by getting us to try and dislodge a spread out newspaper by hitting a ruler slid half way under it on a desk. All those 28 pounds of air pressure per square inch was to much for our juvenile bodies to move. Out foxed by something invisible seemed magic to my child mind. Unfortunately learning in school was not all demonstrations and as it increasingly demanded that such wonders required the ability to read and write my curiosity got sabotaged by my unrecognised dyslexia. It meant I gravitated to art and ball sports and increasing humiliation at the hands of adults and peers alike. I suppose my delinquency was predictably, but I was lucky my delinquency was primarily of the mind and not of the physical violent or thievery type, give or take a bit of shop lifting or the collection of car club badges of the front of cars. My best one ever was a Butlins Car Club one with a diving woman on it.

Anyway my partner and I agreed that school years were not the best years of our lives. Of course on a Sunday morning this conversation turned to the meaning of life and what on earth we are doing here. Predictably we did not find a definitive answer at all and we wandered about in conversation like I guess millions of others have done. At the end of the conversation the only thing I got in my head was the possible reason that sea otters hold hands is that they are not doing anything attached to surviving the wind and currents of the sea but where in fact securing themselves from loss while in the ocean of meaning seeking. With that I measured my vital, all good, and then got up to have breakfast with my partner. I’m not at my best today but I help change the bedding on our bed and then clamber into my partners car and go to the gym with her. She goes up on the gym floor and I start to write todays blog and decide what poem to take to next weeks poetry stanza meeting. I have things rolling around inside me that need writing, as usual I am not sure what they are but I know its in there somewhere waiting to get out, I just need to be patient and let it arrive in its own time.

As for the rest of the day, there may or may not be a rugby international to watch, but I already know that I will not be staying up to watch the Super Bowl, a 23:30 kick off is too late for me, especially when there is so much tedious razzmatazz that goes with it that the actual game almost becomes an irrelevance. My evening consists of a roast dinner, a face to face call with my youngets daughter and then I sank into TV and the up dating of tomorrows Tesco order. As I carry out my Tesco chore I feel my energy spoons ebbing away so I know I am slipping into preservation mode, which means Call the Midwife and Death in Paradise, and then a retreat to bed. The reality turns out a bit different, in that my body clearly thought the activity of the day was too much and nudges me with its warning sign of a small amount of blood in my urine, so its back to downing a lot of water and seeing how things go. Tomorrow is going to be another see how it goes day.

Holding hands in the ocean, one is never lost.


Fight even though no one sees or hears.

Saturday and it drugs wallet filling time to see me through the next two weeks. So after a lean breakfast and a bit of a tidy up I sit down and perform my fortnightly drugs wallet filling chore. Its a fiddly chore but part of the organisation I’ve built around me to keep me going when things are tricky and I need to keep things simple.

My partner has gone to have her hair done so I start the blog for the day and get myself organised, there is food shopping to be done when my partner returns. On my partners return we go to a nearby garden centre for lunch and some chat. After a pleasant time we drive to the next garden centre where we food shop.

The late afternoon is spent watching the six nations rugby internationals, which takes me through to the evening, tea and more Jonathon Creek. As the evening goes on I feel my energy ebb away, until I take my chemo meds and take myself off to bed. Its been a reasonable day, and I need more of these to build my confidence back. It will take time and a few sessions back training again so its a longer term process.

Spring on the lunar new year, moving forward.

CHEMO 11 DAY 239

Fight, hydrate and fight again.

Friday arrives, in fact “Foot Friday” arrives, today is the day I visit the chiropodist and indulge in the luxury of having my feet done by a professional. It is the only way I can keep my feet in good condition since my first bout of chemotherapy thickened my nails. So I spend little time on my usual waking rituals, pausing briefly to measure my vitals, which are once again okay, before jumping into the shower and getting myself chiropodist ready. A brief breakfast and I drive to the next village, park in the Co-op car park and wander over to the foot clinic. The chiropodist ushers me and I soon have my feet in a warm bowl of water, which is no doubt sterilising them. I’m on quite good terms with my chiropodist and we chat while she does my feet. Holiday plans, who Christmas went and the usual family gossip form our conversation. As usual by the end of my time my feet are very happy feet and feel just excellent. This is truly a real pleasure.

Before driving home I pick up a paper and some doughnut and herbal tea bags. Once home I settle down to do todays crosswords and indulge in a doughnut washed down with one of the new herbal teas. Not long after my successful completion of the crosswords, once again with out the aid of Google, my partner makes us cheese on toast and sliced apple. this is being a good and I am thinking about how I am going to amuse myself in the afternoon when I am deflated by finding blood in my urine again when I go for a pee, It seems the minimal amounts of walking are, at times, enough to induce this. I drink some water clear the recycling to the bin and them sit on the recliner drinking water and updating my Excel spreadsheet for my vitals. I use this to calculate my average blood pressure over each cycle of the current chemo. I do a quick check on the averages so far and find them to be normal and in line with the previous eight cycles to date. With my feet up and resting I draft the blog and sip water. I expect to be okay again in three to four hours, and then I can start again to plan to do things.

It is this element of my cancer that I find so difficult to cope with at the moment, it means I cannot train as I did before and therefore cannot do the one thing that holds the chemotherapy side effects at bay. It constrains what I can do and of course it is distressing to be passing blood. All I can do is rest, hydrate and ease myself back to activity as much as my body and cancer will allow, This is the invasive nature of cancer that grinds remorselessly on and challenges my resilience and ability to balance action with rest. It is also why, although not good for me I will “treat” myself to doughnuts or a bag of peanut M&Ms. There is a temptation to just quit and self indulge to an egregious degree but I like to think my better part of me holds me in check enough to hold some sort of balance between self denial and unbridled hedonism.

So for the moment I recline and rest sipping water and watching as the sun comes out. I will monitor how things go before contemplating what to do at the weekend. My evening is prosaic, one of TV and resting. I get to the point where I can’t face any more hot water and end my evening sipping 0%rum and ginger ale and taking my chemo meds. All I want is to sleep well tonight.

I am not sure if my dandelion life clock is accurate right now.

Sophocles was a good bloke and probably a pixie.


Fight like a hero, but don’t die, yet

Thursday. I wake quite late and take my vitals, all good there, and then indulge in watching some more Tim Minchin before getting up. I watch him perform “I can have a dark side” live and “I’m a rock star” performed on tour. It lifts my spirits no end and get out of bed feeling more chipper than I have felt for a while. So a quick breakfast sat watching the pouring rain, sipping a herbal tea and I am ready for the day. I have a family tree to amend as one of my Scottish relatives has provided some dates of birth, after that the day is mine to play with. That’s the good thing about retirement, there is time to play with, one is only limited by your own creativity, energy and curiosity, plus of course the demands of the household and the real world around you.

I did a quick analysis of what the algorithm on my Google feed is providing at the moment. As it is allegedly based on what I view on the internet so it reflects my interests. It would appear I am basically a sports moron, as the majority of my feed is related to football, snooker, rugby, cricket and the occasional ice hockey game. Some Big Bang Theory ( the comedy series) appears from time to time alongside some actual astronomy and physics stuff. The rest of the feed is the usual pulp news paper crap that pads everything else out, a bit like life. It may be my age but I have no recognition of hardly any one dubbed a celebrity any more and as a consequence I don’t care a rats arse about the vast amount of pulp my media feeds push my way. I am resolved to start searching the internet for a much more arcane and bizarre content just to see what my media feeds start to push my way. So as a start I’m going to search for availability of places on archaeological digs and see how quickly this affects my news feeds. It seems I might have found a new hobby.

I spend my day writing a letter to a friend and filling in the family tree with the new dates of birth I now have. There is still some family document arching that needs doing but I will get to that in due course. I put my ear buds in to listen to some music and to block out my partners work conversations that are going on in the office. For a change I try Radio four and end up listening to the Thursday afternoon concert, it turns out to be really good, so good that I keep my ear buds in as I walk over to the post box to send my letters. I’m listening to Schumann’s Spring Symphony, which is new to me and quite a find.

Once home I settle into doing todays two crosswords and drift through them unassisted by google but interrupted by my bank wanting to know if I want to meet with their money advisor. I politely decline and return to the crosswords and reading the paper while still listening to the concert. I go to the loo and find that I have blood in my urine again. I was having a good day, not so good now. I down a pint of water and eat tea then down more water. This sets the tone of my evening, I watch the Avengers Endgame and drink back to back glasses water, with my feet up till bed time when I down my chemo meds and paracetamol. With luck and enough water I will be fine in a few hours, well enough to go to the chiropodist tomorrow and give my feet their two monthly treat. It is never easy, a day can turn on its head in just a few moment, this has been one of those days.

and change is what is happening


Fight, just get on with it and fight.

Wednesday and I am awake quite early and running through my usual checks on emails and cyber litter before taking my vitals. My blood pressure is all good as is my temperature and heart rate. I spend a bit of time watching some old Mock the Week compilations before getting up. I decide to take myself to the village café for breakfast picking up a paper on the way. I settle down to my hot chocolate and baguette as I get to grips with today crosswords. I take my time before heading home.

Once home I get into more comfortable clothes and sort out some of my clothes as my partner goes off to see her mother with her brother. The post arrives and there are two letters for. This is a real luxury so I make a coffee and settle down to read them. One of he letters is from one of my relatives in Scotland who has tried to contact me by email but unfortunately had a wrong address. I decide to send an email back and share with him the letters and information that I have shared with other members of the family in Scotland. It takes a while to do and then I move on to my second letter from a friend. She shares my disgruntlement at the difficulties at getting my book produced and on the Amazon platform. The letter is a real joy to read. I then have quite a long chat with my son over the intricacies of buy a replacement car where he is in Sweden. There is little left of the afternoon so I check my emails, which leads me onto some internet viewing before my partner returns.

One of the internet finds that made me smile

The evening arrives and I watch a semi final of the African Cup of Nations. I’ve taken it easy today as I am still sore from Mondays injection. This month has not been too bad as some of he side effects that I get have not been too bad his month and I have been able to stay of the paracetamol. Tomorrow I need to give the rower another go and to try and keep some fitness, I also have letters to write. It may depend on how the weather is as the forecast is suggesting early snow and sleet tomorrow and I need to keep warm.

My dandelion clock of life feels the breeze.

That’s you


Fight, what are the option, yer right, fight then

Tuesday and I am lazy in getting up as my partner has gone to work. I do my now usual cyber checks, emails, bank accounts, WhatsApp messages and the rest of the cyber litter. Before I can get up or do my vitals my eldest daughter pops her head around the door to see how am am and to have a bit of a chat. Its a chance to catch up and hear what things in her world are up to. Post chat I do my vitals and get myself breakfast, clearing Daisy dishwasher as I go. I’m settling down to think about things and to write a bit when the garden guy rocks up. Not seen him since last year so we chat over coffee and herbal tea for a while before I retreat inside again and start to think again. My eldest daughter needs proof that she is the active executor of my deceased sisters estate so I have to dig around in the files to find a suitable document. After much rummaging and copying I find a court certificate that does the job. Its almost a year now since my sister died and still the paper work and admin goes on. I really must decide what to do with her ashes. I think I know what I am going to do now, I just need to get myself organised to make the arrangements. If all goes well my family will be spared that particular decision I just need time to make the arrangements.

Lunch comes around and I do soup and start to draft the blog inspired by a picture a friend sent me that seemed apposite to my situation. In fact to all our situations. So the bins are out, now I can crack on with letters and a bit more book preparation. I go one of my bored, screw it phases yesterday and decided to send a photo of how I actually am to shove on the back of the book cover, that may or may not exist. So below is how I actually look when I let my hair down. I friend said I looked like a rock and roll throw back except they are now all clean, sober and play golf. My god golf, perish the thought.

From 2mm all over to 2 feet in 4 short years

Well there you go, so close yet so far away on the book front. It turns into a wet afternoon so there I am hunkered down on the sofa writing letters and sticking a meal in the crockpot. I decide to abandon the crockpot idea and prepare a cottage pie ready for the family evening meal. My partner returns from work and we eat as a family before my eldest daughter goes off to a gig and I watch half a football match and two episodes of Trigger Point. During the evening I discover that 0%spiced rum tastes good with ginger ale. So as I run out of spoons I wash my night meds down with rum and ginger and finish off the blog before taking myself off to bed. I’m sore from yesterdays injection but I’m holding off taking paracetamol. Its a small gain in the fight but its a gain.

Keep going, it will be good enough