Fight the good fight dirty.

Monday, awake, coffee, breakfast and more coffee to wash the morning meds down. I ring the solicitor and chat to her about my sisters estate and the state of play. There are some executorship issues to sort out. So that’s one thing off my to do list, now I need to decide whether to buy the painting that my partner and I saw last week, which we thought would finish the lounge décor.

I spend time sorting out more of the things that were brought back form the London house. There are boxes of jewellery full of odds and ends and it all needs sorting through. I go through it piece by piece. Some of it I test to see if it is silver, gold or base metal, other pieces I use my probe to test to see if the stones are diamond or not. Its something that goes on most of the day in fits or starts in between doing other things. Before long lunchtime comes around and I ring the art gallery number and get the gallery owners husband who promises to ring back. Before he can ring I email his wife and tell her I want the painting. I have time for a bowl of soup before the gallery owner rings me back. It turns out that she was a music teacher at my villages school around the time my daughters were there. Anyway we chat and do the business, so I end up the owner of a new painting which will complete the lounge. It is going to be delivered this week after the gallery owner ends her day. I ask myself why now and the answer appears to be that I want something fresh and alive, that is unrelate to the past that I am surrounded with at the moment. Here is a sneak peek of what is coming to our lounge live and direct.

Business done I head for the Shed where I spend time writing letters. A friend calls and we spend some time chatting and catching up with what we are doing at the moment. Its a welcome distraction and it is good to hear a voice from outside everything that I am steeped in at the moment. Time moves quickly sometimes when I write so soon its time to be walking over to the post box and sending them on their way. As I return I note that the sun has spurred the garden to flower. I pause to take some pictures. I never cease to be amazed by the way my garden keeps producing such blooms in such profusion.

Back in the Shed I start to mend one of my sisters stained glass pieces. Its a Kiwi whose bounding edge has become detached so I superglue it back into place and leave it to dry. I put my washing into do and then return to sorting through the boxes of trinkets adn nick knacks that remain to be sorted. I am in for a surprise, I find my maternal grandparents wedding rings and signet ring. I also find my paternal grandmother’s wedding ring and aunts signet ring. Then my parents wedding rings and and my fathers signet ring appear wrapped in a plastic bag. So within five minutes I have to hand the wedding bands of two generations. I am the last of my generation and here I am with the bands of them all. I’m struck by how sticky the ripples of death are when trying to move on.

The evening arrives and I eat with my partner. I start to update the blog while watching more episodes of the Night Agent. The evening passes until I droop and find I am spoonless and need to get sleep. Night meds and then bed. I’ve ticked some things from my to do list for today, the most glaring omission is the lack of training. So tomorrow my priorities are to train and to garden.

Bums up, its Spring