DAY 44

Such a busy day and its only 3:34pm. Up early and off to the GP to have my blood taken. In 24 hours I will have the all-important feedback about my PSA level post chemo therapy. I arrived early in my eagerness and met my nephew in the waiting area. He was collecting some medication but we had no time to chat as he was whisked away by the doctor whilst I was called by the nurse to give my blood. My veins obviously like the nurse as it gave up its red fluid easily. I had hope for a village café breakfast but no joy as I was too early, so it was back home where my partner who was working from home made me a bacon sandwich.

The day then got interesting as we had the conversation about her leave and I set about finding us a week’s break in Spain. I found a place in Calpe overlooking the beech with a spa and a gym and did full board with no children. I wanted a room with a sea view and a balcony but struggled to get it on the website I was on. My partner found the same hotel with the required sea view and balcony so I swapped sites and booked quickly. So we have a week to look forward to and the opportunity to test out me travelling and flying. I’ve got a new passport and I am determined to use it and I am determined not to be confined by my cancer. The game was then to find insurance for us, I went to sites that specialised in cancer travel insurance and listed my current situation. If I was absolutely honest the prices quoted was between £2220 & £3444, all due to the fact that I have not had my post chemo scan results back yet. So as a first step I insured my partner for the week. £20 with Admiral had her sorted in ten minutes. Now I am hunting some reasonable insurance for me.

My partner went off to deliver drugs to her mother so I set about cleaning out the fish, so now they can watch TV without the green screen of algae. I wonder about adding a new strain of guppy to the community to see what colours become dominant, the current community has assimilated the predominantly orange ones I introduced some months ago.

Not being able to face the hunt for insurance I check my e-mails and find that the new edition of The Visionary has been delivered. I am a Universal Life Church Minister along with millions of others who have been ordained over the internet. It was the result of a bored afternoon several years back which resulted in me now being referred to a “Minister Roland” and having a Doctorate in Divinity.

Anyway they regularly send me “The Visionary” with its latest comments on all things religious and political. What caught my eye was a story headed “Hookers for Jesus”, which you have to admit is quite catchy. Apparently the Trump administration has diverted $500,000 from a catholic charity to an organisation run by a  “born again human trafficking survivor” who has a set up a charity to help trafficked people leave prostitution and to find God. The charity works to ensure that prostitution is not decriminalised and that the people the charity save are converted to Christianity. The regime at the safe house they run includes abiding by strict biblical rules and participating in religious activities. As the article puts it, some people are not happy that tax payers money is being used to force Christianity on those looking to escape human trafficking. Apparently the staff training manual decries everything from homosexuality (“immoral”) to recreational drug use (“witchcraft”)! Only in America could “witchcraft” be included and accepted as an explanation without any self-consciousness at all. The blog that accompanies this article is hilarious or sad depending on your view. It is a cross between a bible quote battle and a real spat between a Universal Life Church Minister of a Christian persuasion and an atheist “Minister”. Again only in America, or perhaps not, maybe the same goes on here in the UK but it just doesn’t fall in front of me. Apart of course from the Church of England bishops deciding marriage is the only place sex should happen, regardless of the establishment of civil partnerships and same sex marriages. As I said a busy day and only partly over.

Time to cook tonights dinner and settle down for another european football night while my partner goes out to a friends for a girls night in. Tommorow I shall continue the hunt to find travel insurance for less than an arm and a leg.