DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) DAY 15

It arrived today, my leper text landed late afternoon. So I will emerge from my shed in late June. This time last year I was isolated in a ward in a Jamaican Hospital, it feels like history is repeating itself.
Mon, 23 Mar at 17:50
NHS Coronavirus Service: We have identified that you’re someone at risk of severe illness if you catch Coronavirus. Please remain at home for a minimum of 12 weeks. Home is the safest place for you. Staying in helps you stay well and that will help the NHS too. You can open a window but do not leave your home, and stay 3 steps away from others indoors. Wash your hands more often, for at least 20 seconds.
Read more advice about staying safe at home.
We will send you more messages with information.
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Today started okay with an earlyish breakfast. My partner had been to get a paper and a loaf and had settled into the office to start a days work fielding the many questions about the current situation and organising the workforces tasks. My daughter went to work meeting to return later to hunker down in the back room to work. I went to the shed.

10:30 rolled around and I spent the next two and a half hours talking into my laptop. All work and discussion about how the team can operate from work. Lunch and a quick sandwich during which Mr Amazon arrived with my new comfy slippers and a temporary greenhouse. So my afternoon consisted of building the greenhouse with a little help from WD40 to make it all slide together. Of course life is not simple as I needed to adjust a couple of trees to fit it in, but I got there in the end. It was time to do the crosswords and eat an orange when a friend rang. It was lovely to hear from her as she is self-isolated with her family for at least another week and maybe more if we all get locked down. We chatted as she made tea for the family and compared notes on activities and the perils of food provision. It was really good to have the contact and to hear how someone else was dealing with things.
I packed up my shed and retreated to house to find everyone still in their spaces working away. I followed suit in the parlour and began the blog. I will need to do some pre oncologist preparation tonight as he is ringing me tomorrow; I want my scan results and have questions about my bloods. I also need to prepare my routine for the next three months so I can emerge as a new and fabulous creature from my lava stage. In the meantime me and Rocket have a war to wage.

The https://prost8kancerman.co.uk it’s one of the best sites I’ve ever seen, and the FINGERS CROSSED PHASE DAY
77. THE LAST DAY article is great.
A simple way to become a singer without private lessons and wasted
time can be found here: https://bit.ly/BecomeaSinger
Many kisses to all! Keep it like this! π