DVT (Dep Vein Thrombosis) DAY 11

DAY 72

A day of work and aggravation. So I get up to find my partner in the office and already having talks with her  staff and fielding questions to which she had no answers. I left her to it and had breakfast before settling down at the dining table to reassembly my laptop with a new mother board. The reassembly went amazingly well and I had only one unaccounted for screw at the end of the process. I put in the final case screw and turned on the power and there was a blue screen and then a message telling me that the computer had detected a failure and was collecting data. I waited as the percentage counter clicked over and then the miracle, the machine burst into life and blessed me with Windows 10. All before 10 o’clock. I was rather pleased with myself.

Of course the fact that it was 10 o’clock meant that I had t go upstairs and self-stab (left side today). My belly flab is beginning to look like a pin cushion.

I walked down to the village co-op and bought a paper, returning to complete the crosswords over a coffee. After the short break I set about reading and editing a draft note a colleague had sent me. It took some time until my partner and I had time to have lunch. By this time my eldest daughter was up and looking for a space to work. So after juggling room heaters she settled down and I retreated to my work space in the garden shed to finish working and to have the telephone call with my colleague.

With work temporarily out of the way I can settle down to write a letter. One of the joys in my life is to write letters to friends especially surrounded by my garden. There being enough time to catch the post I head of to the village post box and then take a walk around the village collecting a paper on the way. Back to the garden shed to read the local newspaper and have a coffee. I check e mails and find I’m being requested to consult a colleague and get something done by lunchtime tomorrow. So I have more work to do and meetings to arrange to complete it. As part of this I manage to install Zoom on my laptop and indulge in an half hour training video.

Time for tea and then the realisation that my partners singing teacher is due to arrive. I retreat to another room to find that my laptop has developed a flickering screen. So it’s off with the back and a prod around. It seems to have done the trick, so I can get on and write the blog. My eyes are tired. I am generally tired and feeling fatigued by all the corona virus wash of news, counter views and opinions. I’m tired of all the cancelling things and confining myself to the four walls and the garden. It does not feel like an environment where I am getting better. Still tomorrow I give the blood that will tell me how my body is doing and whether the oncologist is going to tell me I’ve done well enough to go to the next phase or whether the medical profession think they still have a trick up their sleeve. If I were a betting man I’d lay odds on being told to go away and wait for the telephone call and an audience in a year, in others words the “Fuck off and die” phase will start. Tired.