DAY 15

Today was another day that necessitated me getting up early to move my car off the drive. Fortunately there was no frost or ice this morning. As I went to get into the car I pressed what I thought was the automated opening button and nothing happened. I tried again, nothing happened. I peered in the dark to where I thought the button ought to be, nothing. My instant thought was that someone had tried unsuccessfully to break into my car in the night. Nothing I could do about it now in the dark so I opened the car from the passenger side using that button. Like yesterday I thought that as I was up so early I would go to the gym and drove there muttering about unsociable people. I pulled into the gym car park and inspected my car in the now daylight. Nothing wrong with it. This was all human, Roland human to be precise, error. I had in the dark tried to press the key hole next to the handle where the actual automatic button is located. A sigh of relief and then the realisation of the embarrassment I would experience when my partner asked how the car was. Later in the day I did indeed experience the anticipated embarrassment.

So into the gym and a reviving cup of coffee and a chance to do the cross words in the gyms paper. Success at both of them.  One story that caught my eye was the claim that they have found a cell that attacks cancer cells whilst leaving healthy cells alone across a whole range of cancers, including prostate cancer. Trials on humans are due to start in November this year.

Lets hear it for a clever T cell!

I headed upstairs to the gym floor and decide that this was the day to get back on the rowing machine. This was not my wisest idea but I managed to grind out fifteen minutes and 154 calories. It did not take long for me to realise that rowing was more demanding than I remembered and I was very quickly feeling the pain in my arms and back. I got off and wanderer over to a treadmill where I proceeded to walk for an hour on a random slope programme. By the end of the end of the hour I had burnt off a total of 628 calories. I still had to walk the gym floor for the last of my 10,000 steps. As soon as my Fitbit vibrated to tell me I had my 10,000 I was off to the showers and the warmth of the refreshing water. I was soon fragrant and sitting in the lounge with more coffee and a bowl of Thai chicken soup.

Home and into the domestic chores before settling done to watch more world championship mixed bowls whist I mended the gas fires firing mechanism. A relatively simple job made tricky by the thinness of the wires and the awkwardness of the position. Ultimately it fired up and we are now safe from a total breakdown of our boiler. For a relatively simple wiring job I seem to have utilised a large number of tools that needed to be returned to the garage. After that it was a list of chores like putting the bins out, tumble drying clothes and tidying up. As a precaution I burnt CDs of the civil partnership music just to ensure that I had a backup to the USB stick that I have prepared. If all else fails I will take the original CDs.

My eldest returned home from work where she had been minding the school psychopath and presented me with two Cadbury’s crème eggs. Oh temptation. I resisted bravely and refused them, as apart from a single mint crisp and an imperial mint I have managed to avoid any sweets for the last 15 days. Once dinner is done and the blog written I shall tonight  watch football, read and prepare for tomorrows chores of pre civil partnership last minute organisation and crises.