DAY 13

The Civil Partnership organisation is everything at the moment. At last we have sorted out the seating plan for the meal. We have also decided on the music for the various bits of the ceremony. We are going to eat to Argentine tango music, which could be interesting.  As we are having guests over the next weekend there has been concerted cleaning, tidying and organising going on. So today we have been readying ourselves for the week to come. It’s now that the fine details come into play and create the last minute anxieties, but we are almost there as things come together.

One thing that is not coming together is my weight. I am into the 12th day of a changed diet and thought I might show a weight loss this week but it was not to be. Sunday being my weigh in day I skipped into the bathroom early in the morning and set the scales down on the designated floor tile. I tapped the scales to wake them up and when they showed there zero face I stepped onto them, naked and expectant. 100 Kilos!!!!! I am surprised and deflated. I step off the scales and repeat the process. 100.1 Kilos!!! I try moving the scales to another floor tile and hop on. 100.1 Kilos!!! There is no denying it, I’ve put on weight. All that carbohydrate denial and sweet deprivation and the opposite of the expected has happened. Now I have a dilemma, do I pursue more of the same or change what I am doing. My immediate response is that I am not doing enough exercise. I need to burn off more calories, so my Monday is determined it’s the gym for me. I’ve not made the gym today with all the CP organisation going on.

So an evening of TV, reading and then an early night as I need to be up and away to the gym as soon as possible. This is a lesson in patience, as things are definitely not happening in the order that is in my mind.  

Someone left a comment on a previous blog saying that my posts were getting boring. Possibly true as the “ordinariness”of prostate cancer grinds its way through my body. The “exciting”and easy to write about moments have come and gone and I slide into the everyday living with cancer phase. It is the same hinterland but with fewer landmarks. I guess this is inevitable, so I shall pay a bit more attention as I move towards my civil partnership and my March oncology appointment with its attendant scans and blood tests, however the experience of this kind of cancer is boring because of this stages quiet and insidious nature.