Fight, no holds bared!

Thursday, I wake and once again got through my rituals. Vitals measured, meds taken and then into my training gear. Before I get stuck into the rower I putter around organising things for the coming week. Eventually I cannot put off the training off any longer, so I go to the garage and strap myself in. I decide to go for a 45 minute session. I discover that I am already tired so that the session is a real effort. Towards the end I am working really hard but I get to the 9 kilometer mark.

9 Kilometers will do me for today.

I record the session and them shower by which time I am desperately tired. I make lunch and then rest for while. There are few things I can do but mainly I rest. Occasionally I have days like this. By the evening all I am good for is watching football and then going through my night rituals. Mostly meds and strapping on my night splint to keep my finger straight post operation.

Friday arrives and there are things to do. This is my youngest daughters birthday and she is coming to visit with her partner and young son, so there is shopping to be done as my partner and I are going to do a traditional afternoon tea. After a brief breakfast my partner and I go off to the local monster M&S to get the goodies for the weekend. There is time for a quick snack before we return home and I start to tidy things away for the weekend but also prepare for Saturdays Poetry Stanza. I am only able to attend on Saturday because the group that I occasionally meet up with for lunch has been postponed. There are twelve new poems to be printed off and read. This preparation is a pleasure as there are always surprises in the new poems. I put them in a file and the settle down to eat tea and then catch up with drafting the blog. One of the things I did this afternoon was to equip my phone a note making App. What a revelation it is to have such a useful little App. This all came about by me wanting to capture something earlier in the day and being frustrated that I did not have anything easily available on the phone. What I wanted to capture was the thought that I was sufferings form NGS, or Nonspecific Grumpiness Syndrome, especially when experiencing MHF, Massive Hot Flush.

The evening passes with Death in Paradise and continued blog drafting until its time for my night medication and splinting up my finger, but I am taken by surprise. I get a WhatsApp from someone asking how I am and purporting to be a publisher. It must be a scam. And that is how the world is, no matter how much I’d like to think a publisher would like to publish stuff I shall block who ever this is.

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A good basic strategy