Fight, come cancer if you think your hard enough!

Thursday and its the second day into the new year, icy but bright. My partner has gone to work so I drop into my old routine of doing my vitals and checking my socials before getting up. My vitals are good and all my messages are friendly, long time since I was trolled. So I take my time getting into the world but when I do I get into my training gear. I do not feel fully recovered from the sore throat and stuff I had over Christmas but a new year has started and I cannot hang around. I get into my training and take my morning meds and head for the garage. Its the coldest its been so far that season, a measly 5 degrees.

Cold but bright

As I have not been able to train for 19 days so this is going to be a relatively gently session to get me back in the saddle and used to working my body. I set a session for 30 minutes and hope I can reach about 6 Kilometres. As soon as I take the first pull I know that this is going to be hard work. It amazes me how quickly I loose fitness these days, it only takes a few days off exercise and my body just goes backwards, so getting going again is a real effort. This is one of those really difficult sessions where I cannot get my body into a rhythm and mentally the Dark and Tricky puts in an appearance and tries to inflict a really negative self talk in my brain. I’m having none of it and grind on to the end of the session. I achieve my goal of 6+kilometree, that will do me as a starter for 2025.

Way off my best, but okay after a 19 day lay off. Good enough!

Once out of the garage I record the session and then find my new slippers have arrived, the pair ordered that will hopefully stop me tripping up on the stairs. I like them and I like their credentials in terms of greenness.

Eco slippers! I am saving the world!

At last its time to eat but I get distracted when I go to change out of my training gear. I espy my partners new electric eye mask. Having read the manual I choose my heat setting and a 20 minute session, pop them on and I am away. Well I have to say I am very pleasantly surprised. Despite my fears of coddling my eyeballs my eyes and sinus array feel quite chipper.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Having been distracted beyond the irritating Jeremey Vine on the radio I finally get to prepare my lunch. The morning row is catching up with me so as I finish lunch I start to draft todays blog aware that there are bird and squirrel feeders to be filed before the sleety and cold days arrive, there are also the new year letters that I want to write. Last year was a grim year that effected my letter writing so I am hoping to be back in my Shed soon once again writing regularly to my correspondents.

The afternoon is spent listening to a football match before I cook a chicken curry for the evening meal. With the basics out of the way I settle into the evening. Its an evening of the last ever Vera, followed by the SAS and then the Full Monty before I take my night meds and get to bed. I’m mentally itchy and scratchy at the moment, dissatisfied with myself but I guess as I recover fully I can get get back to some sort of normality.

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Forward always, whatever you can manage.