Fight with Christmas energy.

Sunday and I wake to a windy day. This is the last day before my youngest daughter and her family arrive including the youngest grandchild, the master plan is to breakfast and and then to dash to the garden center to see if the bistro set is still available. So after a speedy bagel and morning meds I drive my partner and I to the few miles to closing garden center. Unfortunately the bistro set has gone so we content ourselves with the Christmas vegetables and a cheap bottle of rum. Once home I lock myself away to do my Christmas present wrapping and to sort all my clothes away so that the visitors have a clear space to be in.

After much cursing due to repeatedly having to find the end of the sticky tape I finish my wrapping and I get to then help with changing bedding and wrestling with the cardboard mountain that we seem to have. We missed our recycling collection this last week so we are going to have to store our mountain for the coming festive season. With all this done its time to do the special wrap of the very awkward wrap, there is always one, so while I watch the second half of a rugby match I creatively wrap the tricky one.

The evening brings tea and TV until sleep beckons, of course I have a head full of questions, like how do I get my laptop to run properly, how do I stop mold growing in the outside shower, when will I get a chance to fill the bird feeders and did I put the bin out. Christmas will pose challenges like should I have a couple of trail rum and coke. Whatever happens it is up early tomorrow to get the festive turkey.

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Its all going to be fine.