Fight and do not count the cost

Thursday and all the household has gone out by the time I have checked my vitals, my socials and my messages. My vitals continue to be good, this is the golden phase of my 28 day cycle before the next jab on Monday. On getting up I get into my training gear and then make a light breakfast and take my morning meds. Before I can do anything else there is a pie to make for tonight’s tea because that was what was agreed when we planned the meals for the week. On looking in the fridge I found I had minimal stuff to work with apart from the turkey mince that was going to be the base. So I scrat around and find enough veg to put with the mince and get going. The key to this pie will be what sauce it gets cooked in, so I whip up a paste of chicken stock cube, mixed herbs, a dash of tomato paste, a dash of Worcestershire sauce and mix it together with a drop of hot water. When it is a nice paste I add white wine and brandy and let it stand while I prepare the other ingredients. with the potatoes for mustard mash bubbling away I start on the pie filling. In goes the turkey mince, garlic and mixed herbs to seal the mince and then I add the chopped vegetables, and once its all softened I pour in the sauce and let it simmer for a few minutes before getting is in the pie dish. The mustard mash get spread over the filling and that’s the job done. I clear up the kitchen, load the dishwasher and go for a bit of a break, having set the Gobbler pie to one side.

I spend time doing some research on a plan I may or may not have time to enact but then its time to go and train. I really do not feel like training and I take my time wrapping my still healing operation scar on my hand up, but I eventually get in the garage and set myself up for a 45 minute row. It is tough from the start and I wonder why that is but I press on till the end with music in my ears. By the time the 45 minutes are up I am knackered. I retreat to the recliner and log the session in my journal. Its not until l do this that I realise I have just rowed a Personal Best by 2 metres! It may only be 2 metres but it still counts.

An unexpected personal best, my first since the end of November last year.

By the time I’ve started to cool down my partner has arrived home from her penultimate day as a working person. We chat for a bit until our eldest daughter also returns home and I pop the Gobbler pie in the oven and begin to draft the blog. The Gobbler pie turns out well and is soon devoured so for me its back to the blog as the TV provides a backdrop.

Tonight is an evening of preparation as tomorrow I have to go to the GP surgery to have my bloods taken while my partner goes to work for the last time. There are plans for a meal in the evening but there is a lot to do before our youngest grandson arrives on Saturday with his parents. There is a lot to fit in and its going to require some concerted effort. The little one is on his feet and walking independently so the house has to be made safe. Its going to be a fun long weekend.

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Keep putting one foot in front of the other and recovery is assured.

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