Fight, and always be ready to go again.

Tuesday I wake to my partner going to work, so I have time to check my messages and socials before checking my vitals. Having got up and taken my morning meds I go the village shop for a paper but what I am really excited about is the letter that I received this morning from a friend in Scotland. In my local pub I order breakfast and a hot chocolate and settle back to read my letter. It is a delight to get letters especially this old colleague and friend. It appears her ideal place in the world is being “developed”, which means that everything from the putting green behind her apartments to the dolphins in the bay are going to suffer the consequences. I enjoy my letter alongside breakfast before heading home to do todays crosswords.

Crosswords done, I return to the task of find the pen top I lost sitting on the sofa, a small but irritating task. Logic demands that it must be close by and indeed it turns out to be so. I find it snuggled behind a sock that had found its way underneath the sofa. With this little victory achieved I move on to checking the garden camera for signs of “my” hedgehog! To my delight he/she is alive and well and last seen very recently in the garden. Its time to put some food out again and prepare the hedgehog hotel for Spring. I get the videos onto my system and replace the camera before refiling the bird and squirrel feeders. Its a crisis, I’ve run out of peanuts and bird seed, so its onto the internet and a reorder. While I am about it I rearrange some to the garden pots, noting how many of the are sprouting bulb shoots and how much is breaking through the ground. There is a camellia that has already opened a bud and had it fail due to the frost. The seasons are really changing. With the initial tinkering to the garden done I return to the sofa to read and ease into the evening.

The evening slides in and I start to draft the blog while seeing if an Australian drama is worth a watch. It isn’t looking promising at the moment but as there is still time for a film there is hope yet.

My frustration mounts as I am inpatient to get get back to training, I can feel my fitness drain away and I am becoming more tired more quickly. I have decided that once I have seen the hand therapist on Thursday I will start to row again on Friday. For now I take my night meds, don my night splint and go to bed. Only 48 hours to go before I hopefully loose my finger bandage and start to train again.

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The pieces come together to a beautiful whole.

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