Fight; even while the wounds heal

Wednesday and I wake up tired and stay that way all day, I am thankful that I will get rid of my cast tomorrow. It is a constant weight and is now quite loose, so I can wriggle my fingers freely but it remains an unwelcome encumbrance.

Tomorrow I say farewell to this Hellboy hand.

All the little piggy’s just waiting to be free.

Before getting up I was able to take my vitals and they were very good, it’s not often I wake up with a blood pressure of 113 over 67, so I start the day quite chuffed. With breakfast and morning meds done I start to check my messages and socials and come across an email from the co-ordinator of my poetry stanza group telling me that the Leicester Literary group is having a four day festival and has links to the programme and tickets. Its a free festival so I take a look and end up getting tickets for Paul Muldoon an Irishman based in New York who has a Pulitzer prize to his name. I’ve no idea what to expect apart from he will read some of his stuff and the audience will ask questions. Hopefully it will feed my brain, at worst it will be an hour I won’t get back. I also find time to send a friend a belated birthday present.

In the early afternoon a friend calls, which is lovely, I can go days without actual talking to anyone other than the household. We chat about family, schooling and dyslexia, which is being relevant in her family as was in mine when my daughters were her daughters age. We chat for quite a long time before she has to return to work. As my partner has gone to visit her mother I take trip to Co-Op to get cash and a paper. I think about a baguette from the village café and then remember it is gone for ever as from Monday, I have a pang of regret that I did not go in, but I was preoccupied with my hand operation. So, I buy a Co-Op sandwich and return home to do the crosswords and eat my pre-packaged sandwich.

For a while I wrestled with the Uber app, updating my payment method but failing to pre book an Uber for tomorrow so will take what I can get tomorrow to go and see the hand therapist. Tonight I shall be doing the one handed showering, getting my hair plaited and getting to bed early in anticipation of tomorrows adventure. Meds as usual of course. I am pleased with myself that I have not used pain killers for at least two days now and I am hoping that with a fresh dressing and just a splint I will be able to drive as tomorrow evening I have tickets to the premier of Motionhouse’s new piece, Hidden, at the Warwick Arts Centre.

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And also when in a busy world