Thursday and I wake up as usual, by which I mean I can take my time and go through my usual routine. Vitals are good, messages and socials are fine all I have to do is get and get on with my day. I get into my training gear but there is a lot of life admin to catch up on today, so I have breakfast, take my meds and write a “to do” list. The weather is wet and so my builder badger arrive, assess the weather and leave. No idea when I will see them again given that storm Eowin is on the way.
My “to do” list is long and bureaucratic, which means hunting out papers from the dishevelled pile at my sofa side office and making phone calls and hunting around on the internet. At one point I get side tracked and book tickets for this seasons Motionhouse premier of Hidden at Warwick Arts Centre in in February. The ticket booking was straight forward, what took an age was booking the parking, what an arse ache that was, and time consuming. It is the fifth anniversary of my partner and I’s Civil Partnership tomorrow so there are things to be done for that. I remember vividly a lot of nice thigs about the day. The worst thing was that I had just finished chemotherapy so I had no hair to speak of and a head like a football from the steroid. There was much “putting things in order” at the time as was on a short clock, as it turns out, happily, it’s something the medics got wrong and I am here to celebrate more than five years on. What better way than good food, drink and each others company. I wonder if I can still get into the same clothes that I wore five years ago. I might just give it a shot, jacket will be okay bit I fear an increased waist might prevent it.
I plough on with my “to do” list until mid afternoon and I am flagging and I am getting irritable. In these circumstances there is only one thig to do do and that’s put Radio 3’s Mindful Mix on and write a poem. Its a kind of catharsis that sometimes works. So I fire up the laptop and dash off a few lines, which seems to confirm I am irritated by bureaucracy .
The end of another tax year,
pension dependant yet
the revenue man
continues to badger
me for self-assessments.
Leave me alone,
let me be
in cancerous peace.
All those years of grind
boil down to numbers
in a statement devoid
of understanding.
But as I flail through
the mounds of sofa side
papers, a result of
COVID displacement,
listening to the babble
of others from my office as was
I am filed with resentment
and not a little rage.
Once I knew where all my
documents lived, organised,
neat and tidy.
I feel like I live on the street,
my world in a heap
stuffed into plastic bags
and not even colour coded.
So the radio plays,
the Mindful Mix and
I write this to calm down.
I know why the displaced
become terrorists,
and I have fantasies of
doing the world a favour
by not missing Trump
by an ears width.
It seems a more useful thing
than filling in forms.
Woodie had it right,
Some men rob you
with a gun
others with a fountain pen.
While cancer robs me of my life
HMRC bleeds me dry.
The builders have cried off,
It’s raining,
and I realise just
how fucking
irritated I am by it.
Watch out rowing machine
here I come,
and to cap it all
it’s in the bloody garage,
in the cold.
I’m on one!
429 23-01-2025
Indeed I was on one so I do go to the garage and it is cold but I put in an hour on the rower. It turns out a reasonable session and cathartic as hoped, by the time I finish I am out of energy spoons and flop on the recliner to drat the blog, realising that apart from a giant crumpet with Marmite and diet Coke followed by a Crunchie I’ve not eaten much today. Thankfully I ate lot yesterday.

So with the Blog drafted go off to change into something comfortable and look for food before tonight’s big football match on TV. It’s going to be an early night for me tonight, meds and bed so I can party like a pagan tomorrow.