Thursday and I seem to be returning to the pattern of my body only wanting to deep sleep in the mornings. That’s not just an impression but something my fitness App is picking up as well. I think it may have something to do with where I am in my 28 day injection cycle. It appears that I fall asleep quite quickly, probably out of fatigue, but then wake up about two hours later to then spend the next four or five ours not able to settle. At about 5 in the morning I then drop into deep sleep which may last, on and off for the next 5 hours. Its a real inconvenience as it means I am getting up late.
So after such a night I check my messages and socials, have a quick look at the news and adn take my vital. So today it is welcome to CYCLE 21 of my “new” chemo. I have been on the current chemo pills since June of 2023, so that’s 19 months. From what I have read that’s quite a while for this particular chemo, and my oncologist has given me enough to last till the middle of March. So all I can do is keep taking the tablets and monitoring my physical arithmetic. My regime of training seems to be helpful, but I still have to balance my energy each day, some days are low energy days others seem to be better but not anywhere near my old self.
After my checks I take a shower and then return to sorting out the poems for Saturdays poetry Stanza meeting, it appears that quite a lot of us have poems we wants to present including some new people, which is exciting. I have breakfast, clear the kitchen and then get ready to go to the chiropodist. It is my bimonthly pleasure, which I look forward to. So I arrive early and spend some time on the phone till my chiropodist is ready for me. She has a brand new chair that is colour co-ordinated with the treatment room, which is very relaxing. I wipe off my socks and get in to the new seat, which feels like getting into a rocket ship and is very friendly. My feet get a warm dunking in some magic fluid and then she sets to work on my feet with an array of tools. Its a great feeling and then there is the final rub down with a cream to finish to all off. My feet sing with joy as I pop my socks and shoes back on. It’s a delicious feeling and lifts my mood no end. I pay my bill and spring heel back to the co-op car park, where I pop in and get a paper and a sandwich.
Back home I get to work on the days cross words. This goes well again although there is a word I have not come across before, which is always nice. You always know the compiler is struggling a bit when the definition of the word starts with “archaic”. I am feeling clean and fresh but know I need to train so reluctantly I get into my training gear and head for the garage and the rower. Its a temperate 6 degrees. I set myself to row for 30 minutes as I know that sessions at this end of the day tend to be hard. I get going and by the end of the time I have gone 6+kilometres, so its a reasonable session.

Once recovered I change in to lounge wear, record the session in my journal and hit the recliner to star to draft the blog. Tea follows and tonight it will be the the final episode of Blindspot for ever. It will be a relief to get it over and done with. I’m going to have a rest from binge watching series for a bit it can all too consuming, especially when there is still good poetry and books to read from Christmas. I will how ever sneak in a televised football match in as well tonight, I find I can stream the football with the sound off and still watch what ever is on TV, or even read. So that is my plan followed of course by my night meds and the hope that I can shake off my current sleep pattern. Its unrealistic to think I wont get up in the night, my prostate cancer and medication see to that, but it would be nice to sleep soundly enough to be able to get up earlier and have more of my day.