Wednesday and I am just about awake when my eldest daughter hands me a phone and on the other end is a woman, who turns out to be a nurse, asking where I was at 9:30 for my pre operation assessment. It turns out that the letter from the hospital has not arrived. We have a quick chat and confirm contact details and she says that the booking bunnies will will be in contact wit me. I just have enough time for breakfast and the morning meds before a person from the bookings department rings me up. There is another brief conversation and I get a new appointment for the same time next week.
So onto house chores like clearing the kitchen and then after a quick lunch I start to write letters. I also find that the Poetry Stanza members are sending their poems for Saturday’s meeting. I download them and put them in a folder and return to deciding which, if any of my poems, I am going to submit. After some thought I decide on one of my more recent ones that is in keeping with what is being submitted by the other poets.
My poems are the whore house
of words.
Driven by desire
to be seen as I sink.
Bought and paid for
like a funeral mass.
A vanity that is all,
can’t help myself.
These are fleeting pleasures,
more masochistic
bound up in knots
and thrashed out
to divert time
and compensate for
what’s been lost.
I’ll hang about
on literatures street corner
showing a bit of ankle,
not brave enough
for full on
tits and teeth,
until there are
no more punters,
no tricks to turn.
I shall lounge
in the snug bar
of the last saloon
wrecked and waiting,
deserted by my pimp
and idly scribbling
on the back of
beer mats
and wondering if
there are benefits
for this old
452 07-01-2025
With the decision made and sent I return to the letter writing. Once I have completed my writing I go to the post office and send them off and getting a paper. Once home I settle down to do today crosswords. The evening comes around with a meal and then some football. At the end of the evening I draft the blog, take my meds and think about tomorrows visit to the chiropodist and the need to train again.