CHEMO II DAYS 356 & 357

Fight and grind and grind and grind and grind for this to will pass.

Wednesday was a shit day, full of my Uluru (bladder stone) symptoms, which meant a miserable day of discomfort and I suspect great grumpiness. I managed to type some letters, which my eldest daughter posted for me. It was not until the evening that I gain some relief and starred at the TV mindlessly watching S.W.A.T. By the time I get to bed I am able to sleep. Around me life carried on, including the builder badgers who are nearing the end of their work with us. We are almost there.

Almost there.

Thursday and I wake up after a reasonable night sleep. I take my vitals and find that they are okay. I read a coupe of stories in Calvino’s Cosmicomics before I get up. Once again I find them enchanting and thought provoking. A good way to start the day. I get up and make breakfast and as the D day commemoration goes on in the background as I load my vitals data into my Excel spreadsheet bring Cycle 13 up to date. With that done I turn to drafting the blog. I am feeling better than I was yesterday, a bit headachey, but I hope to write more letters today.

I spoke to soon, as the day goes on I feel increasingly off my game. My ambition to write letters does not happen and I end up trying to rest. The builder badgers finish all they can do, so we are able to pull the cars onto the new drive. We will see them again next Wednesday when they return to fix the house side gate and the hand rails for the patio steps. After that there is just the new front gates to put in place, but as they need to be ordered and built it will be four weeks before they can be fitted.

I get to the evening having pottered around a bit waiting for the Americans to ring me. They said noon their time, but it comes and goes. On checking my emails I find the Americans are planning to publish both books together but they have to sort the ISBN numbers today so want to call tomorrow. I agree and drift into the evening while my partner does her singing lesson. The highlight of the evening is watching the Great British Sewing Bee before I take my evening meds and go to bed. Its been a really flat day, where I have felt off colour all day. Its very frustrating, it feels like this is related to all the medication I am on.

Its not the falling down but the getting up that counts.