Wednesday, I’m up early so I can wave farewell to my youngest daughter and her partner and of course my newest grandson. Its a miracle that they can pack everything into their car for the journey, but they do manage it and drive off early just as it begins to teem with rain. So after breakfast I set about integrating my new Christmas clothes into my wardrobe. An eclectic collection some of which are below.

By the end of the day the house is more or less sorted, the meters are read, the bins in and the comes along with football and more Mandalorian. Of course there are night meds and a kitchen to clear and then off to sleep.
Thursday rocks up and my partner and I have a plan, new mattress. So fortified by a bacon sandwich we drive off to our local retail park in search of a well researched super king sized orthopaedically firm dual zip mattress. I drive to the runup to the retail park and find its backed up for ever. We drive past and go to a garden centre and have hot drinks and cakes, taking the opportunity to have a long chat and a plan for the new year. Back home the afternoon is well on and so I settle down at the computer and do my tax return for 2022/3. It goes amazingly well and is the last one I will need to do as I had the joy of proudly typing into the “any other information” box the wonderful phrase ” I am pension dependant”. It was almost a pleasure to pay off the meagre tax required.
I skip in to my evening of Bambi, Buffy Vampire the Slayer and Dawn French’s one person show Dawn French is a Twat. They provide a background as I draft the blog and hang my washing up to dry. Night meds and clearing the kitchen comes last, too last for more Mandalorian. It appears that the world has slowed down all of a sudden, but I think its about the shit weather we are having at the moment, all I want to do is hunker down and be warm and comfortable, but I feel the niggle of missing training beginning to itch.