Fight standing still or moving.

Sunday and its time to leave sunny Felixstowe and head home, So a shower and breakfast plus morning meds and we are ready to pack the car, and leave our say in the visitors book. I also leave a note about the faulty toilet door looks. We also text the host to tell her about the locks, which it turned out she knew about but thought it had been fixed. With the car pack we bump into the people who are staying next door who have a grumble about micro wave ovens, no license TVs that only get streaming services. I wish them well and recommend the fish restaurant we had dined in.

A small way into the drive home I pull into a service station to top up and to check the tyres, just in case they had lost pressure again. In fact they held up well and so we continued on our way. It was a perfect journey, clear roads, all dual carriage way or motorway and no hold ups so we get home by 12:30. The car is soon unloaded and the various bags emptied and clothes stowed away again. There is time for a sandwich before the first world rugby match of the day during which the Tesco order for Monday gets done. I feel a tooth ache coming on so a phone call to my dentist is on the cards in the morning after my trip to the GP for my 28 day injection.

My evening is full of rugby as I watch England win against Japan. I finish drafting the blog and then get the paper work ready for tomorrow mornings injection. While I was away my blood forms have arrived so I tuck them away and work out when I will need to have my bloods done. Tomorrow has be another start, a better diet and back to an exercise regime just to get myself back into a routine to fight off the chemo side effects. I’ve had a good break away but now I need to settle into a healthy routine for a while to rebuild some fitness and strength. It will be a tricky few days as I get over the injection and get moving again, but that is the nature of the fight.

There is no substitute for the ocean.